img The Master's Favorite  /  Chapter 1 My fate | 16.67%
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The Master's Favorite

The Master's Favorite

Author: GB
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Chapter 1 My fate

Word Count: 1071    |    Released on: 17/11/2021

ng and lonely road,the street lights were turning on and off enough to give a kid

in human clothes or else they will ri

them by one of t

in her twenti

der woman asked her daughte

e from her mother's boss,

he catches her he will kill her but if she's luck

ed escaping but he has eyes and ears in

said panting as they g

un away if we don't he's

y to pay him back or

and he doesn't forgive or

he add and they started w

g! Yelena yell as

step when her mother's l

he yell h

l be a hindrance

th me...I can'

ou have to surv

b trying to help

ou wait here I can't let that ha

leave you mo

so survive for your mother. She cr

ena utter before ru

the men said point

making her vision a little blurry but sh

ir guns in her direction but she wasn't h

o? She bit

to go. One of the guys said

e you? She

One of th

ack at them before saying... I

mean? One

id before jumpin


iver a bullet grazed her arm mak

to survive!* Her mothe

d swimming ignoring the pa

e next

eside the shore, her arm was

loser look you will a

ing as they walk

ad body? One

it out. The

her and shake he

r pulse is weak. T

laced it on her chest, putting pressure on chest it didn'

ey said at the

sked weakly as she o

do about her? T

ving today we should

. The second one

ry her it our lucky day. He sai

ross their necks b

ooden bed with her arm t

I caught? She thought as

jump into the river, her wounde

? She ask no on

there? Help

The first guy said

at do you want

to know who I


her,he leaned until Yelena co

ed as she gul

er ears..Because yo

am I going? She

t wo

cond guy said cutting him sh

you going. He said carr

ing to hit his back but h

red at her mak

o just stay down.

e where a ship was, so many girls w

s went to meet a middle aged man, afte

here? Yelena ask

ing to Mexico,our various master wil

na ask no one in particular

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