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Chapter 10 Bucket list

Word Count: 453    |    Released on: 16/11/2021



in the world to be together. I kept pushing him away when I should have been holdi

houldn’t he be able to die doing what he wanted to do? Not stuck in some

e this. Our future is being taken from us. All we have is the h

I were them, I would want my child to be in a hospital in h

I dreamed at night. Now none of that will ever happen. I could set around and cry f

For now, I have to be strong for the both of us. I will fall apart l

I love will slowly fade away. Part of me is terrified. Part of me wants to run away.

n. I know it’s crazy, but I said yes. I need a part of him with me forever. Shock

has to happen. He needs this one special gift before he dies. Hell,

her. Now I have to learn to live m

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