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Chapter 7 Broken

Word Count: 392    |    Released on: 16/11/2021



urt, but I would honor her wishes. I wouldn’t go near her again. If she wanted me in her life, she would have

she could come over. I needed to talk to her. It wasn’t fair to keep stringing her along.

t now that she isn’t around. How do you get over someone you have loved all yo

th time it would get better. I decided to lay down until my gf showed up. F

ing up to me. I woke to someone gently

what ti

you are burning up. Ha

een sleeping

in to see your doctor. You

t in a huge fight, and she told me she

down soon, I will take you in.

austed. I knew it was just because my heart was broken. I doubted it was anything to worry about.

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