img Immortal [BJYX Fan Fiction]  /  Chapter 3 Wang Yibo's Promise | 30.00%
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Chapter 3 Wang Yibo's Promise

Word Count: 1292    |    Released on: 14/11/2021

f me?" he asked, unconscious to the palm still resting on his back. Because he was still confused of w

noticed that the friend of this

that Wang Yibo?' he thought

omer and asked, "You're good

lied, "Kape Magno is my name. It'


wasn't over yet, he even held out his palm t

ist pulling Kape Magno away from t

as p

almost didn’t want to talk to me?

ile following his gaze to the pissed man. H


an's seat. Wang Yibo's gaze automatically followed h

ing my call?!" John Mier sco

's seat. But Xiao Zhan just

et and eat," he said, most of all he

omething important to talk

their knowledge,

body was wrapped in a long black robe even his head was covered. The creature was smil

out to finish you!" he smiled wickedly and whisp

Xiao Zhan over after he had eaten. But before they could ta

the person next to Xiao Zhan and continued with knitted eyebrows with

d after hearing Wang Yib

friend." He held out his hand to Wang Yibo while introducing himself. "I

ard. For the second time, there were so


" Kape Mag

a!" Xiao Zhan

riticize me! Hey you, idiot man..." Wang Yibo pointed at John Mier before continuing, "Reme

turned to Xiao Zhan who was coughing. He could not

"I haven't heard of any storm from the news


ghing, he felt like dying because

his best friend's feelings, "Don't take what you hear s

finish your life so that you'll stop lau

this Xiao Zhan, because I am serious. My name is Wang Yibo and I will bet on all the cr

nd. They could not believe the words

ould not imagine whether he would burs

d winked at Xiao Zhan. He was completely determined

his chest again. He pulled John Mier who was stunned and froze from what he

already infected by Wa

e fault of that ba

ng Xiao Zhan's complaints while quickly

hing and Wang Yibo was about to knock him to stop. Because

Magno's stomach is alrea

kill you so you'll lose your breath?” Wang Y

te, give me anothe

Magno and waited for him to end his laughter. He couldn

g Yibo and I will bet on all the creatures in my kingdom, I wi

ed after realizing the

o's question was now serious after observing that the words

g Yibo asked to make sure th

e you. Are you really serious?" Kape Magno laughed again, "Haha

itated earlier and was challenged but I can't think of a re

im could no

g. His red eyes lit u

pied only by the handsome Xiao Zhan. He even thought of using his ab

s room at the hotel where they were staying. He thought

wanted the young man and he

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