img Immortal [BJYX Fan Fiction]  /  Chapter 2 In the Restaurant | 20.00%
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Chapter 2 In the Restaurant

Word Count: 1066    |    Released on: 14/11/2021

rning in th

He was alone because Juan could not move in bed. Xiao Zhan couldn't stand th

place to stay after he ordered food. There were three tabl

stopped walking for a moment and sensed himself and also the surroundings. Feeling that not


met the blazing stare of a red pair of


eyes!' Xiao Zhan whispered as

wn earlier alone because he felt a strange presence surrounding the hotel early in the morning. He di

e vampires aren't really feeling hungry for human foo

ot expect their paths



blingly. Wang Yibo restrained from stomping

man then slowly stood up to introduce himself. He was unable to control the very s

nees were

. Unable to control his trembling. Howev

ou?" Wang Yibo asked as soon as he arrived at the young man's ta

t his appetite and frowned when he replied, "Not to brag about b

ed because he couldn't be

you referring to me? I have what? Did you say I have sore eyes?? For your information, these eyes..." He pointed at his eyes and at

at the man was very proud of himself. He then whi

r thra


get to know you. But you criticize me too much,

so beautiful. In fact, women in their kingd

eat because can't you see..." Xiao Zhan pointed to the food that was ju

himself to the handsome interlocutor. Even though

vacation so I honestly don't know you." Wang Yibo hel

ly, his chest still pounding. However, behind

at but accidentally saw the other person's convex pants standing in front of him. He swallo

ly bent down to eat and carelessly ate some rice a

nd was

' Xiao Zhan almost laughed at his thought

rrassed. However, he lowered it after realizing that he had

himself but he hurried to Xiao Zhan and knocked th

you really clogg

't know whether

asked Wang Yibo, "I want

ned and did not kn

am more than a tho

ou I will come with you!" Kape Magno complained as

he table and his narrowed eyes widened when he saw h

t once and asked Wang Yibo, "Isn

aying because Wang Yibo covered his mo

ound a reason to avoid Xiao Z


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