img She Who Became A Badgirl  /  Chapter 2 1 | 9.52%
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Chapter 2 1

Word Count: 1561    |    Released on: 11/11/2021

ped, widened eyes and terrified

their mouth. Some are cheering me and I feel so motivated as hell esp

resh from laundry! Why the fvck you spilled somethi

ks started to become red, brows furrowed a

of yours was fresh from laundry. You spilled melon sh

of this. I shouldn't feel sorry because she d

e stain I caused to your uniform is far from what

erved it

ay. I also saw some members of council running towards the dean's offi

and I'm a bit shocked when

s!" She was about to pull my

think you're doing? Go to my office. Now

a mood, her sticky look satisfied me. She looked like a burned pancake with drizzles strawb

amount and it's not literally colossal mess. I just want to have fun and make som

assroom plus she's causing many troubles in this school! She's definitel

ance at my wristwatch. Ugh, this is entirely boring. I alr

papers with all my school records. The dean looked at me the s

e back to this scho

I feel like I


It's always like that whenever I'm making troubles and then, being expelled from my previous schools, he'll immediately f

t it. He doesn't care about me anyway. He nev

he's a c

is this?!" The girl w

hile I'm watching her crying in nervousness, her friends went near

h of bubble gum on you

nt to laugh h

n looking at me as if they want to ask something but they just couldn't open their mouth. It's

did that to you?" O

that to her and I hate bubble gu

listening to the

aming me. I thought she's stupid enou

ut those on my hair! What

ng. Why so stress? It's made with chemicals, right? Why do y

e when I saw her t

air, it's out of your business! I can't remove those..

rolled my eyes. What a waste of time, I thought they will def

yourself being bald. I think that look more suits on you


w what I'm capable of, that I'm not a girl in distress who's thirsty for lo

t anymore. The people around me are t


and other work-related things fell on the floor. I never saw him being th

nning to live your life? You're not living your life, you're wasting your life in your immature doings! Are you even thinkin

oked at the window instead

he hissed."Look at me, Vanez! You do

n i

I gave him my gaze. He's jaw were clench

sk you, do you still want to study and go to school? Or do you ju

for me. He's controlling me again and I hate hi

s lips turned in grim line."Enroll me in another school again. You said I'm just wasting my time in my immature doings then, I mus

re, Vanez. You're always disappointing me." He breathed out

ath before I tota

very moment of life. He's kill joy, definitely he is. Can't he ju

planning to just lay on my bedroom 'til the other day c

t should I do to-fvcking-da

hen Innov, my stepbrother. And the last, Sharon, their mother, basically, my stepmo

ype, not the usual. So please, be good this time, Van

front of me. The gate isn't grand. I'm ex

l? What the

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