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Chapter 3 He visited again

Word Count: 857    |    Released on: 11/11/2021


le, this c

or understand a thing f

picture i

ell as I stared at my

not me... I don't even know anything about

s happens hours ago and you are here in the school... So no one understands

There's a mix up some where" I said as I still find it har

he cl

wear suc

... Like I don't

? " Jackson spoke up

he didn't leave the school premises and also thos

the problem is how do we make everyone bel

med still starin

ster? " Xavier asked and

really think so" I

ad the name written und

sister " I asked while we

He asked as he sta

tretched my phone to hi

reen for a while an

e, this can't be" He said as

ile he shook his head. "No, am sure this is just a l


ure tight to my chest as tears ro

y miss

find it hard to believe he's

t those p

lso gone w

ed ha

re in back hoodie walked him c

rought down

lowly called with hi

s quick as possible as I

d he g


me he

? " I voiced out wi

He said as he slowly sat down on m


see your disgusting face... I hate you" I y

ng me not to scream. "Keep your voice down or you might hu

uching the wall and he didn't st

ll scream" I threatened and

kept walking closer to me and he sto

nto my face while I struggle to free myself fr


y palms as I stared st

with sadness and fe

, I knew why she's sad

for it but wha

idn't do that... I might not be

I knew at once that they has alr

said as I wiped her tears with my thum


en as my dad's bod

as I couldn't

Janet rushes to me as

ht" She asked sta

lked over to my

id calmly and I watched them

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