img Identical Twins  /  Chapter 2 He's gone mom! | 12.50%
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Chapter 2 He's gone mom!

Word Count: 851    |    Released on: 11/11/2021


couldn't do anything, I couldn't help him and I wa

mum consoled me

, I caused all these, I k

ed he

lt honey , stop blam

me" I protested as tears k

oated through my hea

r relationship but now am already loving

s g


es gonna stay

always be there to p

na make sure he brin

ened to all t

all fake

and all the pr


tight and sing int

e everything's gon

tand up for


ngthen me when


ely nob

many other thoughts f

ter for da

to the beginning, I would have tu

to be

ect him and stay

ed my

oing to be fine A

fake p

ince the death of Martins

ot worse once

those p

te t

olice officers, a man and a wom

hooked their hand of

icer" Dad asked as he also

t his location, but he's gonna be arrested and prosecuted

hurting yourself, and besides we need you to help

at her fo

d to ask as my v

it been you are the one he wanted to kill then he would have done that long time ago

right, he

o kill me then I would

him to call you so we can track down h

hed in


t know who they

ust li

st be j


restaurant with Hannah bes

from what she has

funny" She said

ghter so as t

eyes fell on us as people stared at us from dif

one and stared back at us with

ryone act

all staring a

is st

ormal seat as thei

as the stares are becom


ust notic

ing is wrong, I mean the stares"

tand what's going on righ

as he walked over to us

s his bes

r face also says

is face but this time he has

g, why are they staring

g at Hannah, they are

do anything wrong.... Or d

phone to me and I collected

amed as I stared at th

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