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Chapter 3 Winter Winds That Shake the Soul

Word Count: 1738    |    Released on: 06/11/2021

rthest corner of the carriage, putting as much space between him and me as possible. I closed my eyes and pulled m

this time, laboring under the delusion that I existed, when i

posed to be silent. Death do

u have nothing to fear. I'm not here to collect your soul. Not yet, anyways.” His voic

at around me. He opened the carriage door and offered me a hand. I

s? Really?” I said sarcastically, ex

ink this is me?” He motioned to his grim visag

ew a blank

ou're quite sl

how I've been forced to star in.” I glared at my kidnapper. “

eaper. Follow me, little lamb? Or

his bony cheeks. “Eww! Let go of me! What the heck are you doing?” I protested, recoiling at the feel of the skull beneath my f

't you?” he l

necrophiliacs find this attractive-” He pressed my index fingers under the hollows of his eyes, shutting me up as I

ick me into thinking that hideous thing was real, that any of this crap existed!” I screamed, glancing at the heavy disguise in my hands, so life-like it could've been on t

e. I roiled: “Do you get your kicks out of s

hearse. “I wouldn't do that if I were you, little gi

a run for their money? Beca

he millisecond, Callie. At this

of a seri

e, Callie. I'm not pleasa

ant to begin with.

out your tongue,” he sa

It appeared out of nowhere, towering over me with a wickedly curved blade. He bore it as if it were lig

” I said

oringly, twirling his scythe

so... ch

my flesh ever so lightly. “And you know what's even more charming? A dead girl. Especially if that girl w

prefer freesia.

you preferred?” h

“No,” I whispered. “I was just tr

his hand and tilting my neck backwards. My face drained of color. I se

I begged, tears

done nothing all night but w

to do it without mocking me!” I said , closing my eye

our life? No pleading or grov

roat open or take your instr

down to my chest until the wicked point was arched over my heart. Tremors shook my bod

” I choked t


ill me,” I breathe

e a nuisance. But now that you suggest it.... dissecting y

ep this up, and if I do, I w

carnage and all things rotting. A bit of vomit is no

ah right. Unless y

n't bel

hey wouldn't abduct innocent girls and murde

glance at his scythe, he snapped it up and swung the blade in a viciou

ter its prey. I crashed to my knees, shielding my face from the oncoming blow

its touch disappeared. Reeling, I opened my eyes and gazed up at him in terror. Th

y at all,” I sobbed. Tears burned my eyes. I wiped

ow that you squeak when you're terrified?” he said, amused, th

!” I demanded. “

ve you stranded

we stood in a large glade, ringed by a circle of deciduous trees choked by vines that grew so close they twined t

cenely red fruit. And the air- the air was warm, like an Indian summer. A breeze stirred the gol

owards me. It landed at my feet, pecking my shoes expectantly. “This is ridicu

oy stroked its head. It perked up and hopped closer to its apparent master, then took the brim of his h

ively fell to my knees. “Who are you?” I whispered,

said, grinning wryly. I flinched at that smile, so te

es sharp as knives. Razor blade lips, cheekbones that sliced across his face, casting dark shadows. And those eyes- shadowed by muscle

y were heavy as death. I cringed, shielding them from me. His u



Chapter 1 Something Wicked This Way Comes Chapter 2 Samael, Angel of Death Chapter 3 Winter Winds That Shake the Soul Chapter 4 A Barrow Man Does What He Can Chapter 5 Tea Time With Satan Chapter 6 Death Takes the Lead(ing Lady)
Chapter 7 An Eighteen Irish Rose
Chapter 8 Sweet Dreams, Maggot
Chapter 9 Bile Builds, A Mystery Unfolds
Chapter 10 I'm Not Your Servant, Freak
Chapter 11 Ugh, Cream. I Only Drink Black.
Chapter 12 Singing Potato Chips
Chapter 13 Human Jail(bait)
Chapter 14 Sputnik, Worm
Chapter 15 A Murder of Cats
Chapter 16 Running
Chapter 17 Spooky Season
Chapter 18 Dampen the Season In Her Gloom
Chapter 19 Puck, A Knave
Chapter 20 Predators of Blood and Soul
Chapter 21 Puke
Chapter 22 Getting My Goat
Chapter 23 You're Paying, Corpseboy
Chapter 24 Not A Morning Person
Chapter 25 Who Said Creation's A Democracy
Chapter 26 City of Seven Stars
Chapter 27 Archangelina
Chapter 28 Solve the Derivative
Chapter 29 Gordian Knotting
Chapter 30 Hawaiian Pizza My Balls
Chapter 31 Warmer Together, This Car's Not Leather
Chapter 32 I'm That, Too
Chapter 33 Straitlaced Teens and Those In-Between
Chapter 34 I'm TNT, I'm Dynamite
Chapter 35 Alice and the Mad Hatter
Chapter 36 The Watcher
Chapter 37 Jakkon
Chapter 38 Nephil
Chapter 39 Noor
Chapter 40 Of Monsters and Men
Chapter 41 The Reaper's Sexy Grunts
Chapter 42 Formaldehyde is the Punchline, Isn't It
Chapter 43 Pink and Frilly, Like Her
Chapter 44 Trespassing For An Apple
Chapter 45 Angel of the Grave
Chapter 46 Samael's Head Minion
Chapter 47 Chuckles
Chapter 48 One to Barely Hold
Chapter 49 High Fives In Hell
Chapter 50 Eurydice's Poison
Chapter 51 My Only Sleeping Beauty
Chapter 52 The Heart Girt With A Serpent
Chapter 53 The Only Wayward Son
Chapter 54 Of Dragons In Your Arms
Chapter 55 Fangs Fright
Chapter 56 A Coffin Of A Lover
Chapter 57 Dreams
Chapter 58 Blue Eyes Cryin'
Chapter 59 Heart(less)
Chapter 60 Redemption
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