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Chapter 2 Samael, Angel of Death

Word Count: 1629    |    Released on: 06/11/2021

fluttering open. My back ached and I felt

red my body, velvet-soft, shielding me from the wind. The air smelled like musty books and he

came flooding back to me- the horse and it


ding the wooden frame of the vehicle and

e the death

ed by a fiend!' At least that's what I assume you think me, unless you fainted bec

close to me. “Where are you?” I de

sses. Because so far, you've proven to be quite boring, little mortal. I've had better t

me, scare me senseless, and now you expect me to entertain you? I may not know who the hell you a

angry. It's like watching a mouse trying to take on a lion: ill-equip

at the shadows around me. Cool hands grabbe

don't have the good sense young women are supposed to, wandering through the woods in the dead

etons, however, are stripped bare to the bone, prim and clean; they're much easier on the eye. Beautiful, even.” His grip around me

when my death is imminent? W

ompany? What if I just dropped by to say hello, only to have you faint before I could introduce myself

nd the swish of liquid. “And what do I get fo

ying you've done me a favor, and I should be gratef

alevolence. Fine, I'll just drink

do you kn

ed him grin. He sipped l

through the woods? Track down my personal information? Is this some supernatural identi

hy would I want to be you, w

if you were Lord

who's to say I don't reign

. 'Cause from what I've seen so far,

ou? I always forget, human eyes are so weak...” A pair of

d blanket enveloped me, gleaming in the crimson light that poured from the lamps. Encased i

ed awe. He shifted closer, tendrils of darkness snaking from his cloak across the velvet seat.

owner seemed to have taste beyond his apparent affection for burgundy wine. He held the crystal-cut glass wit

allie Parker. What heart

a deranged one. And wait

strange things you've witnessed tonight, the one that disturbs you most is the irrelevant

cting defens

I took the time out of my busy night to make sure you were safe, not lying dead in

sts round the fabric. “I wouldn't h

, forgotten places my home, yet you roam through them like they belong to you. You gave offerings to the crow, my sacred bird, and sought out places where only the dead should linger. Te

e. Baffled, I looked down at the scratch

idiotic things? Shrinks would ha

explain i

I might be eclectic, but I wasn't insane.

bowed in the wind, ringing the ghostly lake I'd spent so many summer nights swimming in. The grassy banks were littered with leaves and a rotting do

ly with effortless grace. He offered a gloved hand.

arms in defiance. “I didn't call you, and I

do you think this forest belongs? Because it certainly isn'

don't know who the hell

ng up at the moon. “I have as many names as

“Sam? I expected something mor

efarious? I me

llious thud. “Sorry, but I'm having trouble

ly and bringing his face into the light. The grinning skull shook with laughter. “Do I scare you, Callie Parker? Because underneath that pretty f

Yeah. Creepy

ntoned: “In its archaic usage, it referred to pagan priests who wore mask

eled backwards, crashing onto the

, lo

Grim Reaper,

ly!” he exclaim



Chapter 1 Something Wicked This Way Comes Chapter 2 Samael, Angel of Death Chapter 3 Winter Winds That Shake the Soul Chapter 4 A Barrow Man Does What He Can Chapter 5 Tea Time With Satan Chapter 6 Death Takes the Lead(ing Lady)
Chapter 7 An Eighteen Irish Rose
Chapter 8 Sweet Dreams, Maggot
Chapter 9 Bile Builds, A Mystery Unfolds
Chapter 10 I'm Not Your Servant, Freak
Chapter 11 Ugh, Cream. I Only Drink Black.
Chapter 12 Singing Potato Chips
Chapter 13 Human Jail(bait)
Chapter 14 Sputnik, Worm
Chapter 15 A Murder of Cats
Chapter 16 Running
Chapter 17 Spooky Season
Chapter 18 Dampen the Season In Her Gloom
Chapter 19 Puck, A Knave
Chapter 20 Predators of Blood and Soul
Chapter 21 Puke
Chapter 22 Getting My Goat
Chapter 23 You're Paying, Corpseboy
Chapter 24 Not A Morning Person
Chapter 25 Who Said Creation's A Democracy
Chapter 26 City of Seven Stars
Chapter 27 Archangelina
Chapter 28 Solve the Derivative
Chapter 29 Gordian Knotting
Chapter 30 Hawaiian Pizza My Balls
Chapter 31 Warmer Together, This Car's Not Leather
Chapter 32 I'm That, Too
Chapter 33 Straitlaced Teens and Those In-Between
Chapter 34 I'm TNT, I'm Dynamite
Chapter 35 Alice and the Mad Hatter
Chapter 36 The Watcher
Chapter 37 Jakkon
Chapter 38 Nephil
Chapter 39 Noor
Chapter 40 Of Monsters and Men
Chapter 41 The Reaper's Sexy Grunts
Chapter 42 Formaldehyde is the Punchline, Isn't It
Chapter 43 Pink and Frilly, Like Her
Chapter 44 Trespassing For An Apple
Chapter 45 Angel of the Grave
Chapter 46 Samael's Head Minion
Chapter 47 Chuckles
Chapter 48 One to Barely Hold
Chapter 49 High Fives In Hell
Chapter 50 Eurydice's Poison
Chapter 51 My Only Sleeping Beauty
Chapter 52 The Heart Girt With A Serpent
Chapter 53 The Only Wayward Son
Chapter 54 Of Dragons In Your Arms
Chapter 55 Fangs Fright
Chapter 56 A Coffin Of A Lover
Chapter 57 Dreams
Chapter 58 Blue Eyes Cryin'
Chapter 59 Heart(less)
Chapter 60 Redemption
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