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Reading History

Chapter 3 The Queen

Word Count: 1460    |    Released on: 22/10/2021

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chool that Marge enrolled me in. This one seems l

head. It's only what I need to think of all the time. No one would probably know that I am a vampire, not

at me, and others are letting out murmurs with their group of friends. Well, I'm used to people staring at me, but the people in Transylvania are afraid of me, so they

uld be to put my helmet in and grab the book

subject. F**k, this is goi

my room. In my schedule paper, it is written there ‘Roo

oor and looked at the classroom called B-09. Damn, how many classrooms are i

all of the students' eyes were on me. Sh*t, I know I'm new h

oor of this building, and there it i

A guy behind me asked, and I didn't both

on my way to the 4th

e nosily asked me as he trie

d shortly and looked

ied as he stopped in front of the classroom that I'm looking for. So... he's

you. My name's Blair,” I spoke

worry, you're just new here, so I will let this pass.” He uttered as he opened the doo

ctly as I am standing in

ton said, “Well, there will be no more seat for you, Ms. Blair, but if-

onde-haired girl spoke without lifting

Winsley.” The teacher told me as he gestu

tared at me like I am some kind of walking food. Some have an afraid look on thei

leared my throat to say something nice to my seatmate-to-be. But when the blonde-haired girl

e world, why is that, that blue-eyed blondie

than I am, but I just continued to walk,

” She asked in disbelief but tryi

fun.” I let out as I looke

teacher introduced himself sinc

I wouldn't get bored in school

iot as I thought of my situati

dents. We will, of course, start at the back.” He started and looked in our direction, where we are in the center of the room, but we are at the very

yet, better know your places, or you will know where you should be. There is a handbook that states everythi

*ck me, I think I'm in big trouble here. Maybe she has forgotten what happened at her bookstore about a week ago, but I think it's not

teacher said as my seatmate

air Kendall. Just call me Blair because I don't want

d. They would probably go crazy, or they would think that I'm crazy.

e and just handed me a

paper she gave, and a smile crept on my face. Oh, so you wan

ly on the back of it. And I gave it to her, while I was smil

ou could tell the whole class?” The teacher

nd as I looked down at my table, I saw

reaking dreams!'

smiled at myself. And I dec

trouble. Damn it. She owned this place. She may be the queen here, but I'll stand my g

I just listened to my class



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