img The Queen And The Freak  /  Chapter 2 Marge | 2.86%
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Reading History

Chapter 2 Marge

Word Count: 1838    |    Released on: 22/10/2021

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eached for the noisy thing on the nightstand, and the a

still comes. It's like a lifetime curse that you cannot run away from. Li

she hurried to my room and came in. Th

and it's now dead. Nice. I should have glued it there.” She remarked, an

sleepily and hid under the sheets, so sh

She told me with her stern mommy voice. Argh, here she goes again. I thought if I

ch I need to sleep. I need it like how I needed oxygen to breathe.” I asked her

ing an eyebrow while glaring at me with her eyes that n

puppy dog face. What I remember is that this one works well

Food is ready downstairs.” She replied and turned t

ping in the bathtub!” She added

voluntary got up from my lovel

her face, and I don't know what she is. Marge told me that she died upon giving birth to me. And, my father? Well, I don't know either who he is, and what he is, or if he is still alive. I have been bullied

m very far from being one. But Marge accepted me and took good care of me like her own. I am a vampire, and I don'

ulously thought that those monsters are my foes in killing humans for my needs. Well, the hell with their minds! I have never ever killed a human being for blood, not even sucking directly from their skin and flesh. Marge has provided me blood bags and from hospitals since I

. It has a small crystal-like rock on its pendant, and I guess it has a magic spell

. I stand about 5'8” in height and have an average body. But I don't know if I look good or not in this form because it's not my thing to l


my right hand. And then, I sat down on my cha

t this thing?” I asked her as

e answered, and then she stood up to wash her mug and

d her in disbelief, and I crossed my arms on my ch

t again. Yeah, we got a deal that if we're already here in Cali, I shou

zed and poked the

your diet, Blair? Oh, well, this is totally Mr. and Mrs. Leroy's fault. Well, mine in the first place. Finish off your bre

go to school because I'

a science teacher at the school I was enrolled in. Well,

few crimes there. Fine, a lot. And now that I just turned seventeen, Marge decided to get me there, and I have to live with her here. We just got into a very intense fight when she found out that I did cruel things back there when she was not around for three years. She w

le instead? Two maybe?” I asked h

I prefer cereals and vegetables and others that aren't meat. The meat just tastes just li

ympathetically. She doesn't quite know that I am still on this kind of diet since we never shared a meal when I got her

ecipe book because of that blonde gorgeous b*tch who owne

I will surely buy you one." I rejoic


k her keys from her purse, and she said, "Let

elf to school,” I told h

again, and I cu

imit again. Okay? I don't want to be chased again by traffic men, who can never

roblem, or go to the faculty office.

ure,” I

y. Alright, I am just so lucky. I got a mom, a sister, a best friend, a nanny, and a teacher all at the same tim

om my jeans' left pocke

e garage, so I waite

r! Don't do something bad, okay?” She yelled

word to describe

t, then followed Marge's car to head to the aca



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