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Chapter 6 Email

Word Count: 933    |    Released on: 16/10/2021


ings I so desperately want to do to him. I'm finding it hard to even do my job at the minute. At this rate I won't have to worry about him firing me because of our relationship status or lack of it, he likely to do it because I can't do my fucking

n I'm around you let alone make a decision about us. So I'm gonna try a different approach to this. I think maybe if we email each other wi

tle nervous to open it what if he told me to fuck off. Maybe he's changed his mind. I mean who wouldn't right, I can't even

approach this like a busine

ike? I hope je doesn't actually think I meant that sort of relatio

ting via email would be a great idea as you have the sam

to relax a little, of

first you know about and the second is


ip with Marcus what the fuck. Was she trying to

na. rela

se was alm

t to give up my friends for a relationship and I m

at you. Marcus most certainly does not want to be "just friends" w

sible for a man and woman to just be friends. If he just wanted

isn't just Marcus irs most of the men on this floor and probably more. It's one o

want to be his friend but plea

she really wants. But I don't think I have it in me t

. And you have made yourself very clear on the

could handle having dinner with you. J

I will reserve a quiet table. OH


, I need your help. I've only gone and agreed to go on a fucking date with him tonigh

if there is nothing else I wi

over. After 20 mins of trying on different outfits we decided to settle on the traditional little black dress with black stiletto pumps. I have to give it to alli she has a talent when

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