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Chapter 6 Stranger

Word Count: 404    |    Released on: 16/10/2021

a bit rested with an undertone of being tired. C

e. Someone was in here but who could it have been. So was

t was draped around her?

s. Her eyes scanned to the wall and she had to rub her eyes twice. Her

when she realized that Miles had gone to sleep without even bothering to

ould take her to get home? When she was fully changed into jeans and a

a couple of men standing there and disc


she worked with. Jasmine noticed that this had a


ne by the checkout

a lifesav

get home at th

k but it would take some time to get there. Maybe Uber, but that would take up a lot o

surprise her once in a while, to show up at her

ever like this at all but I guess the fatigue had reall

d a lift?"

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