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Chapter 3 I need to know more

Word Count: 431    |    Released on: 09/10/2021

ancing for?" Julian asked. He couldn't look away from

t so su

ld get. Whether small or big she needed every dime that she could get her hands on. Miles wasn't planning on get

t to the behind to take a swig of

ut, she saw the manager standing there and sh

m and not to panic so that she

en an interest in you. All you need to do is charm him. He is a very imp

ing just for some more money. He was rich already, yet she on the other hand needed to do everything so tha

t of it. Now he maybe didn't love her and he was used to living a comfortable life. He probably kne

ngs. She didn't want to think about the possibility of Miles leaving her. Sh

they stopped abruptly and the m

Everyone looked at her, and she just commenced putting the whiske

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