img THE MYSTERY GIRL ( Is she human?)  /  Chapter 4 Out In the wood | 7.55%
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Chapter 4 Out In the wood

Word Count: 1601    |    Released on: 01/09/2021

h and cuddle, underneath the tree. His ran run through the tree. Feeling it. Bringing back the memories of their romance. He smiled but a sad one. He moved away, staring at the b

a promise to Eamon I need to keep it.” “Of course you should. Stop behaving like a chicken and stood your ground.” “It easier said than done. I stood my ground and I was sent to prison. I stood my ground and I was disown. I stood my ground and everything I worked hard for. Fell in front of my very own eyes. I’ve tried all I could to be accepted. No! He doesn’t want me, he doesn’t wanna accept me!” “It’s okay. Everything has a reason you’re following destiny. This is your fate.” Fate? That’s bullshit.. there’s isn’t anything like fate.. who are you ?A ghost? Am angel? Tell me why my fate was wretched, tell me why I had to suffer!” He was screaming his pains out. “You will know soon enough.” “Where are you?” He glanced around. “Am right behind you.” “Wwhat.” Argh!” He screams, staring at the old woman. This isn’t happening, he isn’t filming a movie or something. What or who the hell Is she? “Am ms Teresa. You don’t need to be scared, Am human like you.” He slumped on the floor, breaking down In tears. “You can rise again, Dixon, you can be the...” “It’s never gonna happen.” Ms Teresa hunkered down beside him. The black gown she wore was long, covering her feet, she had no shoes on. “Have faith, that’s what you said remember, this life we’re all in, we face a lot of trials. But not enough to give up. Love will come when you least expect. And everything, just every single thing will fall into place. The sun will shine on you again. Don’t give up! And don’t see any reason to. But see a reason to keep going, that’s what kept me alive till now.” “Are you ready to come with me?” “I don’t have a choice do I?” “Well you do” He scoffed and stood up. Facing Ms Teresa. He smiled and took her hand in his. “Shall we?” ******** After running for a long time, she sat on a rock, caressing her sole feet. It has been days she has been running, running from the demon she was becoming, if it was possible, she would run forever, so she don’t end up killing everybody she came across with. She was some where in the wood but had no idea how she got there. Neither did she know she was close to the city. The thought of how she killed Lucas came flashing through her. How he look so innocent but she shouldn’t feel guilty for what she did. He deserves it. She was back to normal. To herself again. Is this how she’s gonna live. What if she hadn’t changed back. Was this what the person talked about. She been an half-demon and half-human. Her skin was clothed in blood and her eyes was still having the same. Black color. Feeling there was humans close. She growls. "You heard that didn't you?" "I did" the app

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