img THE MYSTERY GIRL ( Is she human?)  /  Chapter 2 Free Again | 3.77%
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Chapter 2 Free Again

Word Count: 813    |    Released on: 30/08/2021

front of him. "I heard the news, it all over the internet. I knew he wouldn't last long, having a whole lot of weird and creep things in his house. What do you expect?" He replied his

“Lucas?” “Of course Albert...” he paused his lips and moved closer. “Haven’t you thought about what or who killed him.” Albert raised a brow at him. "He wasn't killed by any of those weird stuff but by someone.." he glance around again then lower his voice "A girl". Albert eyes dart to him. " which girl?" "The girl in his basement " Albert eyes grew wide. " The only problem is that we didn't get to see her face since her hair was covering them." "how on earth did she kill him?" " She tore his flesh with her fingers and dug them into his heart and pulled it out and...." “Enough Peru.” Albert looked away “The way she killed him, gave me creeps.” He rubbed his hands down his shoulders.

chief from her clutch bag and dabbed her eyes with it. "I brought you good news" she turn to face him. "Good news huh?" He puffed irritably. "I don't know why you keep doing this to me" "So what's the good news about" She sniff and blew her nose into the handkerchief. Staring at the stoic face he had on. Suddenly losing her confidence. " Linda" he taps his slender fingers on the table and paused his lips. "I am your mother" "Never said you weren't" he almost snapped at her. Linda look away and was welcomed by peering eyes which made her twitch uncomfortably in her seat.

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