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Chapter 4 Four

Word Count: 1205    |    Released on: 15/08/2021

t least that's what the Russian constitution says. But it's

er pocket. My brain cells were falling apart even though I hadn't consumed any coke, I swear. Maybe Lict mixed something in the food and now I was seeing its eff

could slice Lict into sushi and

said. Oh wow, so I'm a simp now? Great. Well, sorry for

was he disappointed in me being weak? If G

because she doesn't sou

ide that. And yeah Lict, actually, in m

," I

think that you're we

ht that? He said

ve that woman is the most intelligent, strong, cari

t? Something tells me I shouldn't becaus

her axe but Lict dodged it. How the hell was such a meek girl able to pick up somethin

ck. All I was thinking was that if that thing hits him and he dies—Who's going to cook my food? I

it by the axe and got injured. His hands were bleeding, just when she was about t

ready. You're just wasting your

ut to be an anaconda after all. As Lict was holding the axe, she kicked him in the stomach and he fell onto the ground.

a middle-aged man who looked like he was in his forties, with a high school girl. Maybe they were another pair but how did t

t stood there with a knife in my hand, praying that somebody comes to kill me too but Lict had grabbed the atte

d him, she turned towards me saying, "We'll finish this some other time. Make sure that you people don't die till then. And take care of The hour of—I mean Lict for me, see ya

wasn't the perfect time to be alone with my thoughts yet. We

ring at Lict when I heard a gunshot. I turned to look at what had happened and I saw that the man had shot his partner—The girl. She closed her eyes and held out her hands as

he dodged them and ran in the opposite direction to make her move away from me. He had got cuts and wounds all over his body. Then

ady, and mak

hen that girl is hurting Lict, he's simply bleed

he told me anything? He just came to fight without telling me a thing about how

is powerful thought in my mind, I casually ran. Ran with

bed him, right in his heart. He held my shoulders t

e, give me orders an

truck me hard like a matchstick, lighti

e con



Chapter 1 One Chapter 2 Two Chapter 3 Three Chapter 4 Four Chapter 5 Five Chapter 6 Six
Chapter 7 Seven
Chapter 8 Eight
Chapter 9 Nine
Chapter 10 Ten
Chapter 11 Eleven
Chapter 12 Twelve
Chapter 13 Thirteen
Chapter 14 Fourteen
Chapter 15 Fifteen
Chapter 16 Sixteen
Chapter 17 Seventeen
Chapter 18 Eighteen
Chapter 19 Nineteen
Chapter 20 Twenty
Chapter 21 Twenty One
Chapter 22 Twenty Two
Chapter 23 Twenty Three
Chapter 24 Twenty Four
Chapter 25 Twenty Five
Chapter 26 Twenty Six
Chapter 27 Twenty Seven
Chapter 28 Twenty Eight
Chapter 29 Twenty Nine
Chapter 30 Thirty
Chapter 31 Thirty One
Chapter 32 Thirty Two
Chapter 33 Thirty Three
Chapter 34 Thirty Four
Chapter 35 Thirty Five
Chapter 36 Thirty Six
Chapter 37 Thirty Seven
Chapter 38 Thirty Eight
Chapter 39 Thirty Nine
Chapter 40 Forty
Chapter 41 Forty One
Chapter 42 Forty Two
Chapter 43 Forty Three
Chapter 44 Forty Four
Chapter 45 Forty Five
Chapter 46 Forty Six
Chapter 47 Forty Seven
Chapter 48 Forty Eight
Chapter 49 Forty Nine
Chapter 50 Fifty
Chapter 51 Fifty One
Chapter 52 Fifty Two
Chapter 53 Fifty Three
Chapter 54 Fifty Four
Chapter 55 Fifty Five
Chapter 56 Fifty Six
Chapter 57 Fifty Seven
Chapter 58 Fifty Eight
Chapter 59 Fifty Nine
Chapter 60 Sixty
Chapter 61 Sixty One
Chapter 62 Sixty Two
Chapter 63 Sixty Three
Chapter 64 Sixty Four
Chapter 65 Sixty Five
Chapter 66 Sixty Six
Chapter 67 Sixty Seven
Chapter 68 Sixty Eight
Chapter 69 Sixty Nine
Chapter 70 Seventy
Chapter 71 Seventy One
Chapter 72 Seventy Two
Chapter 73 Seventy Three
Chapter 74 Seventy Four
Chapter 75 Seventy Five
Chapter 76 Seventy Six
Chapter 77 Seventy Seven
Chapter 78 Seventy Eight
Chapter 79 Seventy Nine
Chapter 80 Eighty
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