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All for the Money

All for the Money

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Chapter 1 Diana's replacement

Word Count: 885    |    Released on: 06/08/2021

ony remarked and looked at Faith with d

well-respected and powerful man that was standing in front of her. She was supposed to come to the office, work hard, and leave. The onl

to be. Here she was, standing in fron

blame anyone but herself. If she hadn't done what she did.

an internship, and her younger sister was still in high school. Their father was suffering from a chroni

DeMarco corporation. The pay wasn't outstanding, but it w

company, right away. She only saw glimpses of

er of the ocean. He had an incredibly handsome face, but he never smiled. She wondered if he ever smiles for the woman he lov

like that in a million years. Her features were or

one day. Diana was usually friendly with Fai

ing on?" Faith

but I need a huge favo

at can I do?

hree months. I was supposed to find a temporary replacement for Mr. DeMarco, but

Faith u

you can do it?" Diana l

is would mean she had to be close to Anthon

g. I know how efficient and organized you are, so you'll catch up in no time," Diana said.

unds nice, Faith

ny for the first time. She had never seen him up close like this,

s replacement?"

ir," Fait

t hear you," Anth

, I am her replacemen

na. Diana was a beautiful, assertive woman who was quick on her feet. This woman seemed

ffee. Two sugar, no

rabbed a coffee mug, poured black coffee, a

e replaci

hind her. "Oh, no, it's not like that. I'm temporaril

u're so lucky,"


He is so handsome. Everyone is so intimidated by him, but I

ted. She was too busy busting her butt to get through

d back to

t on the table,"

ut the mug down, and the hot coffee spilled on her arm. She gasped. Not because the liqui

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