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Chapter 7 Table for Four

Word Count: 436    |    Released on: 27/07/2021

y appetite on his drama. So , I asked Paul if he wants to dance ( so there I call Paula attention just to get rid of this two human being who lambasted their sweetness on my eyes. “ It is my pleasu

his date since I am not interested wit

erfect” , when someone gets near us and told Paul if we could exchange partners

ulder and it’s like he is hugging me now . We stayed at that gestures for 3-4 minutes I don’t know but it seems too long. When the music stopped his date called his attention. I heard they are going home first. Paul and I opted to walk in the not so w

es so I said but it was some y

you are open to start

but I said to Paul “ yes , I am willing to

the bridge when

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