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My Cat Husband [BL]

My Cat Husband [BL]

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Chapter 1 World Guide

Word Count: 532    |    Released on: 14/07/2021

the plot better. Please read them before you proceed be

shifters are focused here. The leopards and wildcats are considered sworn enemies throughout their generations. After thousand years of struggling, the shifters can now live fre

rriage is t

at will. Shifters can control their animal side but their human body so even if

ation about

ver, only one clan is recognized as the True Clan. On

lan of Wildcats. Sub-clans of Wildcats a

Leopards. Leopards also have numerous sub-clans

bound to their soul for eternity. If mates reject each other

n is an excruciating burning that tormen

alf their soul connection will se


glint in their cat-like pupils. Common wildcats have a body size and weight equal to that of leopards. Bai Clan is the True Clan of Wildcats blessed by the Goddess Bái Māo[1]. Th


their pupils. Average leopards have a body size and weight equal to that of wildcats. Lin Clan is the True Clan of Leopards blessed by the Goddess Lín Māo[2]. Their animal body


slates to the whi

nslates to fores


nowledge about Chinese language

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