img Sold To The Ruthless Master  /  Chapter 2 Lucian | 4.00%
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Chapter 2 Lucian

Word Count: 670    |    Released on: 03/07/2021

e Ruthless

r her fat

luwa A



of his house busy cleaning his tools as he'

behind him before walking to hiss father,he go

epared for s

done e

d pause a little bit

ut the money

e it,you have to beg your English tutor to

the tool box,he took the money there and

e's done cleaning it,he pack them back inside th

s Dad entered,she hurriedly round every

de and help him carry the tool box

ed them a lot because no one has ever came to their compound with a f

ld be th


talking to anyone in particular

it in his mansion the day I went to c

e scream

eep mess at that,For a while Lucian to visit them ,she

he door open automatically and th

s and walk a little but levelly towards them,both shift back in fear thi

s of sweat broke on Lily's face as she

ittle bit muscular and his six packs threatening to tear the shirt he


o"He said and his


to see me here this early morning,

red with his lips tr

six days ago,why hav

now,I have no money on me but I promise

d his personal assi

extra day to pay the money in case he wasn't

sir"She sh

s the co

cian took his time checking the

y to her hips,she's quite thick and h

trembling badly adde

the money you owed me,if I'm to come here by next tomo

He added before

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