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Chapter 5 The nightmares

Word Count: 701    |    Released on: 03/07/2021


couldn't help us?"

u,your father swore not to have anything t

tter between life and death,I'll become a s

ngs to do here,please get out of my offic

dad years ago because he's poor anytime we ce for help,you won't

lady,a disgrace to womanhood at that,you're this endowed,you have the most perfect shape but you refused to help yourself throu

u to know something, you're going to reap all what you sow,I am assuring you mom that you will come to us on your knees begging your forgiveness,take my words"Lily yelled with little tears on her face an


all the way to her mom's office down to their house,her

tes me"Lily yelled throwing the purse to only God

riedly and held her hand but she fred he

who called herself my mo

ou went to her?"Hayden ask

arned us not to move close to her vicini

this morning and gave us two days ultimat

did sh

l my body to men so I wil

l she sa

fford to be a sex slave,I ca

u can run to and Lucian won't f

d you think w



salt to my food,look how salty the food is"He yelle

n landed at her back,she scream in pain making their four years

'll be the death d


ng down his face to his chest, although the AC is work

slowly to where his liquor is,he got there and grab the bottle,he ope

hole content

ated and stare at the

hey stop ha

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