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My Mate

My Mate

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Chapter 1 Introduction

Word Count: 654    |    Released on: 23/06/2021


right on


luwa A



ly and I snooze it

have to wake

l feelin

alking to the bathr

mall white towel before walking to my big old


A Korean, I came fr

the paternal side, Je

in the middle class, neither rich

nable to find a job so I engage myself into so

beautiful, heavily endowed with my cute and hair lashes which flu

e me uncomfortable around men

the intr

als and pick my small bag be

already (my family), I greeted them one af

se of eating, J

t about the contributions we are to make in

abbing a glass of water and

after the end of every year is around the corner so we

ch?? "I

mumbled lowly an

aving muc

I can do about it before tomorrow

" He beamed

able to keep my

my bag before rushing


obeisance as I walk

t mom place to

immediately and I wra

ch "She cooed and

mum" I replied

orite "She squealed

l like eati


he cut me off waging

I will come downstairs to eat later" I rush my word

at ni

he room and I sh

ust coming back " I r

you went to

de, I went

uy really

elp me in attending to some online meetings and yes

y ever chan

ffed before pulling his

g here tonig

muttered under my b

the firs

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