img The CEO's Bodyguard  /  Chapter 4 4 | 8.70%
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Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1588    |    Released on: 22/06/2021


ng a deep breath, I glanced sideway

ake a minute or two before my alarm clock rings. I shut the stu

f brushing my teeth, taking my ba

and without checking the ID, I swiped across the screen and placed the phone close to

,” I heard that

moved over to my shoes collec

paused when I heard her questio

ntil her voice from the other en

ill ther

me out croaky. I be

spare some time to join me for

t aloud. “Fine, mo

almost imagine she blew a kiss. The phone beeped w

my room, walked down the hallway to the stairs and finally stepped into the living room where I sig

g,” he said

livia?” I asked whil

via, their four-year old d

th a little hesitation. I stop

I frowned. “Is

shook h


ms these days and it’s hard to keep u

ful.” I smiled. “What e

y and more, if possible. I kept trying to explain to her that you’re a busy man.” He exp

time for he

the building. “That’d be great. Emily and I wo

ed the car wasn’t ready. I expected

m the address.” I glanced at hi

I do not joke with anything related to work.

?” he arched his brows in confusion. “Cause

you I want no mist

He muttered under his breath. I heard

You’ll be the chauffeur for…”

exclaimed with a sigh of

w I wouldn’t let him off the hook of my words until I was

e.” He said to Sam, who bowed sli

away and gave me

all professional most times, Philip makes silly mi

workplace when he has no idea of where the boss live?”

guard standing nearby moved closer to get the door fo

t do I have

still more than an hour to the meeting. “Inspection of the construction sites by eleven o’clock a

hy is

at.” I nodded without further arg

o I have tod


” I said with a slight sigh a


ith Philip. Philip didn’t give out Ryan’s address but despite that fact, I

now about Ryan

he is close to.” My subconscious noted when I sa

d I heard Ryan ask Philip where I w

have realized he didn’

e by the time he was ready for work and of al

s busy surveying the area. After a good intake, I focused my attention on them a

s. He moved closer and pulled my hand, saying a “good morning” in the process. I, however,

me. He led me to the garage, handed me the car key

his garage. I thought the place would be loaded with cars. I unlock

ve us to the Anderson’s corporation. I looked at Ryan occasionally through the mirror. Few mi

ky.” Ryan said and he fixe

s?” Philip suddenly asked.

gave it to

ilip frowned and drew his brows together, trying to remember when he did. “When

he glanc

t and passed it to him. He eyed the piece of paper

u led me there anyway so in other words,

f them would and that excuse would be lame. I needed a concrete reason as to how I got here to avoid suspicions so I

ted as I stopped the car at the company. Philip

“I was sure I didn’t give you the add

boss that you can’t comprehend. No matter how nice you are Phil

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