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Reading History

Chapter 4 : A Fatal Disaster

Word Count: 1075    |    Released on: 21/06/2021

the room, and a curtain of crystal beads in st

rmed reverently to the person in the chamber

from the chamber, “Make sure h


ders, he seated the Prime Minister then or

om sensibly, waiting outsi

did not take the slightest offense by th

ir with great respect, asking the person who had not prese

concern, Prime Minis

o Temple for days ac

s some Buddhist Doctri

unveiled himself asked casually, “Are you here to

s visit. “You are correct, Lord Seventh, I do want to discuss something with y


rtunately, that was when he was hit by his wife’s sudden death. He officially retired and was nowhere to be found consequently. It wasn’t

slowly, without any emo


id, “Please forgive my incap

recall that four years ago, I was plotted and my life was on the line? I survived in the end, but that left me with severe migraine. Hundreds of imperia

ldly, his sole purpose was to persuade the person in th

nth wasn’t touched by Q

kindness is highly appreciated. As for my blindnes

rigued by the doctress inv


suading hastily, “Please reconsider your d

t Minghao show you the way out if

e Minister to leave must possess eit

hamber must hold great status despite the

s committed crimes; second, I don’t treat any man who possesses an unclear mind; Third, I don’t treat any man who pursues death deliberately. I have no idea who this Lord Seventh is, but it’s not hard to tell, he’s being so passive on his own disease. And that goes right up t

ul. She conveyed her attitude as well as a subtle warning that

qing, “The person in the chamber holds a special status, even I dare not to offend him, li

ime Minister’s silent warning, as if the pressure she w

g not only frightened the Prime Minister bu

cond to His Majesty. Not one single soul da

to his master in such an insubordinate ma

ingqing’s offensiv

ade cane reached out from the chamber,

w a man about twenty five or twenty si

, and lips dedicate. Though in a plain white leisurewear gown, his aura

, she felt a stabbing pain in her heart. Her countenance

contact with him, only to fi

ght in front of his eyes. It was c


hat ha



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