img The Doctress with Healing Hands: Your Highness, Please Behave Yourself  /  Chapter 3 : “Child, Come on Out” | 7.69%
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Chapter 3 : “Child, Come on Out”

Word Count: 1132    |    Released on: 21/06/2021

and the family retainers only, lively and bustling o

ime Minister. A country girl she was, her e

rophe took place in her hometown six years a

ge, so he saved Bai Qingqing and raised

telligent, it only took her several years

he servants turned to her in twos and

no more than a country girl who might know one thing or t

red by ailments like fever and cold, they

es, cured the butler who had suffered senile foot ch

rime Minister got rid of the migraine tha

le of Qingqing as a

mind, whose original plan was to convince

Mo educated you for six years in person, I’m sure you are pretty capable. Frankly speaking, the reason why I highly requested your master’s

the Prime Minister’s tone, “Can I get

he time being, all I can say is that his existence

she understood that there mus

ed inquiry on something one

his sympto




how l


ed by othe

hands a

ed your

know the answer afte

master for his promise, I’l

inister, Bai Qingqing was carried to th

sely populated. But an extravagant mansion came to every

the front red gate, she saw two character

the guards on duty at the gate. They wer

from the mansion, and bowed to the Prime Ministry reveren

eplying to the young man with a smile, “M

utfit, with a sword hanging on his waist belt. Minghao was a h

yesterday evening from the Putuo Temple where he resided for nearly a fortnigh

mely arrival is bett

s energetic laughte

’m wrong, your complexion turns

ears, you can tell the difference within one blink, so obse

g who was in the other se

ed up the sedan curt

ntly, her pupils contracted, her lips

lect herself within a f

lothes, Minghao viewed her

uced by Qin Zizheng----the first-ranked official a

ster, who i

that I specially invi

ne could read disbelief from

ittle girl like her to treat Lord Seventh is no difference than upsetting His Highness! Even though the imperial p

nce, yet he simply tapped Minghao’s shoulder, say

ut he acted compliantly. After nodding to Qingqin

as a low-profile area. However, entering the garden you would find yoursel

h seven jin (seven halls lengthwi

l trained, being neither

hao, they entered a room

ry spacious, with luxurious

le of the room, on the walls of which hange

m was priceless, the antiques and vases dis



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