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His Little Wife

His Little Wife

Author: Destiny-One
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Chapter 1 Synopsis

Word Count: 430    |    Released on: 15/05/2021


dents are the products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to

p to a seventeen year old girl

What th

oice that she was not y

in as I dried my hair. I just finished tak

go in school!"

come to school, huh

elf." She

at her. This kid r

will get up!" She sa

ur husband not your brother." Sh

s older than me!"

e, so I climbed on the bed and

in and I will kiss y

leave there on top of me,Sir Kyle?" Because she call

py to see her close her eyes and

to where, I had alre

we get caught up in school." I told

s me?" She was s

et dressed." She burst out of

sh." I just

. Last night she slept here because she was afraid of thunder and

hat's why I decided to enrolled Twaine i

parents know. That's why we

ome husband an

he following chapters so stay

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