img His Little Wife  /  Chapter 3 That Jerk | 7.89%
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Chapter 3 That Jerk

Word Count: 1191    |    Released on: 15/05/2021

Point o

what happened recently. Did

hate those cockroaches, they ruined me. Why did I

e're married, but even so! He

, the little wife of Kyle. I am 17 yea

left my room and went to Kyle’s room. I threw stones at

e!" I shouted as the door of

uddenly appeared in front of me so I stopped crash

?" I shouted at him whi

hat. Go to your

ttle taller." He ad

ing me?" I aske

with a question. I slapped his ch

unned by what he said. So I immediately removed my h

outed at him before fin

d back. Grrh! Why did that

e suddenly turned off, so my knees s

ed because of


e the light in my room was stil

tely hugged Kyle as

ried while still

me while caressing my back and hair. Because of wh

again." He said. I just

to sleep on

ll scared." I told him. At the same t

o sleep beside you?" He ask

ping together in my

as I leaned on his arm. In that position I feel very safe.

Point o

ead from my arm. My arm felt aching because of the weight

little girl was still asleep. I started preparing our

ng!" Twaine

oke up early?" I rais

?" She ask

look like you're too sh

said once running inside the bathroom. I just

outed at her at the door of the bathroom. She takes so long taking

wait for me!" Sh

not allowed to go together. All right, I'll go

ol I was immediately g

Kyle." She s

Roxanne." I also s

ust call me Roxann

unch together la

with your frien

eally have any

want, we can be together." I

ktime, I mea

" She said trying

we also parted wa

heir classroom but she just

lem then?" I jus

hout her glancing at me, because she

d her. Teenag


ne." I gre

go?" Sh


From there, my attention went to Twaine and Je

s." I just shook my head t

I'm only half day now because I have somet

I asked Twaine who seemed to

to me." She

ur problem?

aid rolling her eyes on me. Wh

oo." I told her trying to ignore

I stopped and faced her. Sh

rtant business to take care."

e trip." She said

just got dressed and

ng out too?"

it ob

off shoulder and shor

to you?" Wha

dressed!" I t



life huh? You're not my Dad so don't dicta


I want to do? You're out in every decision what I wa

g hurt in my chest be

ut if you don't want me to

eft the house. Why is this ch

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