img My Every Hue  /  Chapter 5 Another Way Around [Part One] | 21.74%
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Chapter 5 Another Way Around [Part One]

Word Count: 932    |    Released on: 02/05/2021

which Shirley had provided her to do. Every minute in every hour, she couldn’t help but loo

oding of the data to the computer. Sandra may show a worried reaction, but deep inside, she was enjoying the sufferi

at, Adeline. You need to t

ined focused on the computer and conti

It’s like a drink-or-pee break, I’m sure it

ing concerned.” Adeline

er belongings to get ready to go home. She pats her

. I’ll see you again

e.” Adeline waved goodbye to her,

actly finished the 100th count of the paperwork task given to her. She glanced at

nd smiled, “Hey

scoffed, “Where di

utting down the computer. She goes up from her seat to get a cup of drinkin

grab dinner with us

he planned to finish drinking the whole cup of water. She breath

ke you’re parched.”

first time for me to see someone dri

hem were. She picked up her bag, and they all left the office. The trio went t

r back on the plate, “So, you mean,

dad started living in Austin, Texas, even before I was born.” Ad

a girl from Austin, Texas would be fine.” Jeremy went in for

ment wasn’t true up to a hundred percent!” she excla

milkshake, “This is the reaso

Jeremy gla

u. You just won’t admit that you’re both seeing floati

o’s face went to I’m over it reacti

to talk to you rudely? Just for now on

, “No! Don’t say yes. Shizuko is an abusi

ger!” Shizuko took his cheeseburger and shov

c once they’re out of the office. She immediately stops them from g

n. “What rude words would you like to say to me,

uarreling with each other befo

s for saying that Jerm and I were lovebirds.” Shizuko d

ho was mouthing her the words, ‘I warned you’. Sh

ovebirds, but I will not stop. S

emy couldn’t help but laugh and make fun of

fore going to sleep, she tried to call her mother. She was so happy when

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