img Vengeful Sisters  /  Chapter 5 A Difficult Decision | 9.43%
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Chapter 5 A Difficult Decision

Word Count: 1486    |    Released on: 27/04/2021

e up. Feeling very uncomfortable with the unusual and awkward slie

so quiet, did I do

orner of her seat staring through the window

reated and the impression it was forming in Phidelia's mi

body is just exhausted. Don't worry de

ster and mother were still quiet and still uncheerful

the car went back to being quiet. Phidelia f

ecretively to herself as she stayed glu

l glided out, closing the door. It was at that moment that Jerome for the first time noticed Phidel'

ghter. She knelt before her as she held her sho

time with much hurt. "It's all my fault mum. I'm the reason why Phidelia got sick and

" Jerome uttered, curbing her daughte

her's grips."It's all my fault mum, It's all m

daughter as Jerome stood up to her feet. She glance

longer going to live with you guys?" she

into the house and took their daughter to settle in the sofa as they try to expla

romise we will come for you when you're all better. Moreover, we will come and visit you. Your sister will also be in c

o clear up any doubt and misunderstanding which

a lot of efforts b

l go and stay wi

ia nodded in response. "Of course mum bu

the bell rang. Jerome excused herself and went over to the door to see who it might be.

Auntie," one of


e to call Phidel and Phi

er and then to the kids. "Sorry dear but Phidel and Phidelia are not feeling well.

faintly, staring at them as she slowly closed the door. She returned t

alk to Phidel now. Don't worry, I'l

around her daughter's arms and watched

r as it was already getting late. Leaving Randy to contact his siste

crying when Phidelia walked in. She stopped in her tracks at the doo

Moreover, this is not your fault. I'm just going to stay with Auntie Emma. We can still call each


m and Dad promised." she repl

led in return. The rest of the day passed by with no special happenin

first to join her followed by the twins. When everybody has settled behind the table, Jerome served th

meals, they helped their mother cleared the table and then returned to their rooms. When Jerome was done with al

at them with Randy's hand dra

y're going to be

here for a while long and turned off the light, slowly closi

a was sitting in the hall with her parents all set to go when s

t Phidel down to see her s

hidel?" E

used to come down. I believe it's

ponse. "Anyway, can we go now? We

ter's bag about to head to the

nd say my last g

door and tried to pull it opened but it was locked. Knowing well that her sister wi

of yourself and mum and dad too. I love you so much Phidel." she touch

ot down stairs, taking the lead with he

t of the taxi whiles Phidelia and Em

taring at them from her window wi

d don't give your Auntie hard

indscreen watching with tear filled eyes as the car drove out of the yard. She sat back in her seat, bre

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