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Chapter 3 You will obey me

Word Count: 795    |    Released on: 11/04/2021




By not letting me shift he was prolonging my pain. He was a monster. He knew no one here would come to help me

mbers like this? A pack was supposed to be your family. This was no family. I missed my dad so much. One

r another beating or not. I didn’t trust anyone in this pack. It was clear that no one

e are hosting an alpha from another pack and his beta. So, you need to look l

knowing she was someone I could get honest answers fr

. We need to hurry before Lincoln gets mad. He is not in a good mo

as finally going to challenge Lincoln. I wondered what this other alpha was like. He couldn’t be an

started. Lincoln came in and told everyone but me to get out. I wondered what he was going to do to me now.

t supposed to be

I thought this was

ith this new alpha. I want him di

what is it exactly that

ch but didn’t. If I did, I knew I would be in for another beating. I hated having hi

e all of this to

has a mate

rry pet I will never let you go. He will be dyin

a anything

s new alpha, but I was going to help him. Lincoln brought his mouth down on mine, and I almo

ou my new toy. If you would stop fighting

try hard

l happen for you. Now go up to the room I had made up for you an


e from me. There was no way in hell I would ever be his toy let alone his mate

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