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Chapter 2 The Fiancée

Word Count: 1677    |    Released on: 02/04/2021

mber could hear the captain speaking from the cockpit. She had spent the entire flight trying to get some sle

sed to see her there. Leila had checked landing details for Amber's flight and de

d was waiting for her, she had no choice but to deal with t

your place, I was coming straight to you

two friends warmly hugged. Leila helped

as she opened the passenger door o

he energy I can get." Amber smiled and carefully got into the car. Althou

he was dying to hear the stor

ht?” Leila asked looking at

ber replied reclining

ey arrived Amber went straight and soaked herself in a bath

he details.” Amber laughed and sat on the edge of th

ber asked with her han

tarting point,” Leila looked

int.” Amber acknowledged he

expedition shortly after I arrived from Italy.” Amber started telling her story. S

me figure behind me." She continued her stor

when Liam kept on admiring the portrait

on't see the beauty in th

was surprised." Those

er father suddenly appeared. The smile on her father's face

portraits and my dad a

la was surprised by this. She had accompanied Amber to some of the exhibitions. Ea

on saying that If it was Liam buying

ng to play match maker.” Both girls laughed and Amber continue

that Liam would be joining them for dinner that evening. Liam came f

Liam was a true gentleman for bringin

et of him to do that.

Amber's remark surprised her friend. To Leila such gesture was remarkable.

.” Leila was now

tarve you of any details.” Amber

er parent left her wi

hould talk about their careers to each other. What

was a bit quiet over that dinner. And maybe she was emb

ou mean?”

t Liam is one of the top Investment bankers

s pickup line was

dened as she eagerly wait

t was what he said to me Leila.” Amber looked a

en told by Timothy that Amber ha

ou don't…… Amber

uld tell that her friend was not happy that he

ld believe my dad that I did not have anyone

hy would know about any of Amber’s relations

Liam believed that she was a good person. Leila fo

it difficult to have a serious relationship. To him, this was Timothy's

And guess what Leila! The guy wanted to kn

o meet this guy!” Leila said showing

pened when the door behind him close

a could not wa

like little kids and all looked at me wit

hat we talked about as

d to find these days.” Amber shook her head and smiled at her

boy begging for treats, I decided to get to k

st to agree with them. She explained how there was a sign of relief fro

n She noticed a text message about the din

esponded to Liam's text saying that it was fine for

ts technically forced you to give L

d to." Amber replied. She could see that her

me into his black Porsche. You know I am a sucker

ls in the state. They talked and laughed whilst enjoying their dinn

t longer. He had planned to spend more time with her. Amber agreed to m

around 10 pm. They had talked an

they parked outside the house

nately. He held my hand and softly said, t

Leila teased

hink my mother is cr

Leila wa

way she prepared for my

through Amber's clothes before asking if they should go and

urprised to see her parents waiting fo

y were behaving like matchmakers waiting for an update.” Amb



Chapter 1 Guess what Leila I'm engaged.” Chapter 2 The Fiancée Chapter 3 Agreeing to marry Liam. Chapter 4 Meeting the groom and best man. Chapter 5 Meeting MR and Mrs. Davis Chapter 6 Two more bridesmaids
Chapter 7 The Bombshell
Chapter 8 Pleading
Chapter 9 The Phone call
Chapter 10 The Meeting
Chapter 11 The wedding
Chapter 12 The Wedding night
Chapter 13 Why did you give my father money
Chapter 14 The villa
Chapter 15 The Strange Woman.
Chapter 16 Worried are we Mr. Davis
Chapter 17 I have fallen in love with Leila Burns.
Chapter 18 Back to work
Chapter 19 Super Model
Chapter 20 Miss you Mrs. Davis
Chapter 21 The charity event.
Chapter 22 I don't want to get pregnant.
Chapter 23 What did you do this time
Chapter 24 We are all going out for lunch.
Chapter 25 Pam
Chapter 26 Pay up
Chapter 27 Secrets
Chapter 28 Shopping Mall
Chapter 29 The video
Chapter 30 James Davis thinks he owns the world.
Chapter 31 Everyone loves their mum
Chapter 32 New Client
Chapter 33 You belong to Amber:
Chapter 34 Having a baby
Chapter 35 Condom incident
Chapter 36 The boyfriend
Chapter 37 The fight
Chapter 38 Mrs. Maybrey
Chapter 39 Confessions
Chapter 40 The punishment
Chapter 41 Chief Patterson
Chapter 42 Molly's dad is scary
Chapter 43 New home
Chapter 44 New Job
Chapter 45 Why is she here
Chapter 46 I don't see a ring on Elena's finger.
Chapter 47 Apology
Chapter 48 No longer a virgin
Chapter 49 Children's hospital
Chapter 50 Mr Lennard
Chapter 51 It's a boy
Chapter 52 You are the best gift
Chapter 53 Inside information
Chapter 54 Friends again.
Chapter 55 You again
Chapter 56 Apologize to me
Chapter 57 Kate's Maiden TV Programme
Chapter 58 Something special about these women
Chapter 59 Would you like to drink with me Mr. Davis
Chapter 60 No photo for blackmail
Chapter 61 Lola's party
Chapter 62 Baby Shower
Chapter 63 Professional Decorators.
Chapter 64 Drink this now
Chapter 65 Made a girl get drunk and beat up three boys
Chapter 66 I'm not old fashioned
Chapter 67 Baby James
Chapter 68 I know you still love me Liam
Chapter 69 Allow me to see my son
Chapter 70 You asked for it
Chapter 71 My plan worked
Chapter 72 Smiling again
Chapter 73 The Miles brothers
Chapter 74 Don't tell the others.
Chapter 75 Back home
Chapter 76 Bennetts and Lennards meeting.
Chapter 77 The other Mr. Lennard
Chapter 78 Who would want to marry a rapist
Chapter 79 Don't worry no one will know.
Chapter 80 Is this how you repay me
Chapter 81 See what you are missing
Chapter 82 Mum I blew it
Chapter 83 Father to be
Chapter 84 Did you sell Chloe's photos
Chapter 85 Rehearsal Dinner
Chapter 86 I understand the Brit is beautiful
Chapter 87 The wedding
Chapter 88 Stanley Miles and Chief Patterson
Chapter 89 The after party
Chapter 90 Why did I joke like that
Chapter 91 Unfair playing field
Chapter 92 Send off party
Chapter 93 Kate's uncle Keith
Chapter 94 The Brit has got a boyfriend.
Chapter 95 Get to know Keith
Chapter 96 We are not dating any more
Chapter 97 Why can't these people leave me alone
Chapter 98 Farewell Becky
Chapter 99 Visiting the Chief
Chapter 100 He made the Chief angry
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