img Aurora And The Heart of Magic  /  Chapter 3 ESCAPING! | 6.12%
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Chapter 3 ESCAPING!

Word Count: 1077    |    Released on: 18/03/2021


ng into the blank space. How di

nch when that cop was killed. I had a feeling that Tyson order

d over the things that had happened. Mic

I was in Texas. No one would come looking for me and I

open drawing me o

ood for you,” Asl

ing my eyes. He was crazy to think that I wo

ed the plate in front of me sayi

he kept moving it towards me. In the end, I let

so much force. The plate overt

o difficult?” He shouted wipin

voice, “I am not used to watching murders for entertain

onless and he asked cold


aking out a syringe from his pocket. I watc

e saying, “My blood is powerful enough to keep you alive t

ed the door behind him. It all happened s


sweat. I drew in deep breaths to calm my

had come to check on me for three days. I felt pangs of hunger n

ely driving me over the edge. I had no idea how long I could en

in with a tray of food. My heart s

one who kil

ying Tyson. The sooner you understand that, the better it

ing aroma tickled my nose. I was s

ora. You nee

n injected me

will only keep your baby strong. Lack

surprised. They care

ter the baby is born

Tyson doesn’t like

claration. Deep down I knew this but i

ay I can escap


t w

ve to t

ce an expressionless mask. It was impossible to say whether she


h as the fresh air slapped my face. It fel

let me come to the garden for a walk,”

e agreed. Moreover, Aslan believes tha

fencing, CCTV cameras, and dozens of bodyguards par

a large oak tree. She smiled a

ath wish? Can’t you see

a. Just come with me…” She sa

s key and inserted it into the trunk of the tree. To my s

camouflaged. I would ha

now. Don’t scream it will alert the oth

pped suddenly. After a few moments, it

, I would have been screaming my lungs out. I was s

ll soon be free.” She s

e took the nearest car and drove

in. You are my knight in shining armor.”

ything seemed so much brighter. Even t

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