img Aurora And The Heart of Magic  /  Chapter 1 ABDUCTED | 2.04%
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Aurora And The Heart of Magic

Aurora And The Heart of Magic

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Chapter 1 ABDUCTED

Word Count: 1360    |    Released on: 07/03/2021


p breath before pushi

you in a moment.” The tall, lanky assistant mutter

the hand of the chair tightly as I studied

white walls with charts of babies and fetuses at various stage

Leonard's betrayal, I had stayed a

reports are here.” A sweet yet firm voice

the voice to find my charming and e

ip and asked in a s

and she said in a somber ton

uck me. My voice wavered as I said, “Ho

not fail-pr

there has be

can see them for yourself.” The

e. My heart sank as I saw the words ‘positive’ printed on the result.

ve a choice. I suggest that you think about it and meet me a

rdlessly. I took out my phone and was about to c

y face with the file. A pungent smell ass

lowly but my vision had become bleary. The file in

but the spinning sensation intensified


r bed, soft mattress, exquisite paintings, dressing table. It

realization dawned on me. Hadn’

eart pounded against her ribs as I turned the do

f the corridor while the right side was fenced with a wooden barrier. Overlooking the long cor

if in a trance. Every inch of

in front of a room aft

eached here,” I muttered

back profile as they were standing with their backs to

e of them had black hair while

ng force. The one with Copper-brown hair had me pinned again

pearance greedily; high cheekbones, fair comp

ft eye. This added a dangerous look to his appearance making him even mo

made me shudder. I opened my mouth to speak but it was as if

Eavesdropping is pu

st walking through the corridor and

ed my throat roaring, “Do you think I am

d to speak but the pressure

. I brought her here.” The man with the bl

opened my mouth to greedily

ink you should know better than to

er, Tyson. Don’t you

y before questioning,

le at least for once? She is pregn

I had slept with in Nyla when I was drunk. I was never good with drinks a

the next morning. If I made it out of this aliv

ed in horror as he grasped Aslan by his throat. Fire e

e wall. It happened so fast that I couldn’t grasp what was happenin

er own. It is dangerous.” Aslan gritted out w

im away and stormed out of the room. Moment

ed. I was pregnant with some psycho’s child. His brother wanted

more dangerous than the men I had witnessed. I

e phone I launched into a tirade, “Michael, please find me quickly and get me out of here. The me

get you. Do you understand? Stay right where you are!” His sooth

aid, “Okay, but please come s

re, Luv.” He said and

ll he arrived. Then I could

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