img Your Love Ignites An Ember Of Passion Within Me  /  Chapter 2 The Fight | 3.17%
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Chapter 2 The Fight

Word Count: 1945    |    Released on: 14/07/2020

tle anxious. Although he had never seen Yoyo get angry before, he knew that she was no pushov

d by Yoyo's words. She ignored the hint fro

congratulate you for successfully seducing my boyfriend? That way, you don't need to rack your brains in finding ways to become famous

shed up to Yoyo. "What the fuck are you talking about? You are the famous prosti

u know what? I really admire you for being such a c

That's enough. Don't go too far. You are a

d and glar

is eyes were filled with dissatisfact

a triumphant smile appeared on Samantha's

ng time, he couldn't take it anymore. He raised

ardly. Her heart was still bleeding. "Shame on you! You don't have any talent. You're just like a

ung. But as soon as you get home later, I advise you to look at yourself in the mirror. You will then know

ared upon hearing such heartbreaking words. She felt like her blood boiled up again. Her voice became a little sharp when she continued, "First, because I have always been

happell c

ing at him, Yoyo


seemed to have

his moment, he felt like he was in front of a stranger. After bei

twice about your identity first. Don't you dare interfere when I speak! If you say even a single

embled with

Samantha roared and rush

from behind. It sounded so magnet

didn't need to turn arou

ell and Samantha. She would never let them bully her again. But she was also aware that she coul

he heard Sheryl Bai's voice. He pulled Samantha

from his grip. However, he dragged her aw

d around and smiled at Sheryl Ba

ery protective of Yoyo. In the past, when Yoyo had a fight with Chappell, she rushed to his office and almost

rown. She looked at the direction where Chappell and Samantha

ce and defensiveness had already vanished.

sted with so many thing

ered in the lobby of the hotel. They each grabbe

at the reception

ned?" shout

o each other at the front desk. They

me an explanation today, I will sue you!" a tall woman screamed hyste

ad with her hands and sai

look at her w

That woman is Phoebe Le. She is an Internet celebrity, and she's one of the regular guests here. I am on duty toda

oom, and no one noticed it. Are you all dead here? Or maybe you also have something to do with it." This time, Sheryl Bai wa

thing was wrong,

mething big and serious. And Phoebe Le mentioned the fourth floor.

he felt like a bucket of ice-col

or a long time. She then said, "Are you a staff member of the

Bai up and down as

wear my badge because I had something to deal w

mething else outside while on duty?" Phoebe Le's shrill voice ma

. And can you tell me what happened first? I won't b

t, ready to swallow her prey alive. "I chose your hotel because I thought that it was safe here. But I didn't expect that people here are all blind. W

be Le said. All her life, she had never been humiliat

hope you don't mind telling us

ze. Yoyo saw the disdain in Phoebe's eyes. If Sheryl B

are you?" Phoebe L

riend," Yo

ant to know what I lost? It's something that people like you can never afford to p

turned pale as she to

oyo's expression, so she held her

eads of sweat had started

with him, he must really be a man with high status. But Yoyo was also sure that he was high in drugs. If Phoebe Le check

but you can't even do it. Is there anything else you can do?" she said in ridicule. She then turned to the security guards who were staring at

footage," Yoyo said abrupt

you don't want to be in trouble, you'd better get out of here as soon as possible. Get ou

trying to suppress th

by became so quiet that anyon

ver from the shock. She turned her h

just stared at Yoyo for a long time. Wha

e asked. She didn't know

l Bai grabbed her hand and pulled her back. However, she still looked at Phoebe Le and said, "I am the woman who slept with

even Sheryl Bai w



Chapter 1 Who Is This Woman Chapter 2 The Fight Chapter 3 Make Things Hard (Part One) Chapter 4 Make Things Hard (Part Two) Chapter 5 I'll Give You One Minute Chapter 6 Oppression Chapter 7 The Scumbag, Chappell Li Chapter 8 Different Thoughts Chapter 9 Be Tricked And Dismissed Chapter 10 Rich Man Chapter 11 Meet The Boss
Chapter 12 Enemies Are Destined To Meet
Chapter 13 The Villain Complains First
Chapter 14 Playing Hard To Get
Chapter 15 Offending Patrick
Chapter 16 Friendship Is Mutual
Chapter 17 Playing Hard To Get
Chapter 18 He Really Comes
Chapter 19 Getting Better
Chapter 20 Misunderstanding
Chapter 21 Good Friends Should Go Together
Chapter 22 Bitch Matches Dog
Chapter 23 Patrick Became Her Boyfriend
Chapter 24 Patrick Became Yoyo's Boyfriend
Chapter 25 Give Yourself To Me
Chapter 26 A Social Climber
Chapter 27 Punishment
Chapter 28 Denial
Chapter 29 The Best Boyfriend
Chapter 30 Flattery
Chapter 31 Being Kidnapped
Chapter 32 Add Five Hundred Thousand
Chapter 33 Crisis
Chapter 34 I'll Protect You
Chapter 35 Waking Up
Chapter 36 Grow Old Together
Chapter 37 The Murderer Is Revealed
Chapter 38 Original Wife VS Mistress
Chapter 39 Defeat The Original Wife
Chapter 40 Be Trapped Instead Of Seducing
Chapter 41 Be Slandered Heavily
Chapter 42 Confession
Chapter 43 Playboy Liked Acting
Chapter 44 Being Framed As Mistress
Chapter 45 Dispute
Chapter 46 Break Up
Chapter 47 The Backstage Manipulator
Chapter 48 Phoebe Was Put Into Prison
Chapter 49 Disturbance At The Art Exhibition
Chapter 50 Jealousy
Chapter 51 Misunderstanding
Chapter 52 Simple Life Was Enough
Chapter 53 A Mistress Also Has Her Own Difficulties
Chapter 54 I Like Everything You Give Me
Chapter 55 My Eyes Are Fixed On You
Chapter 56 Love Is Happiness
Chapter 57 Online Gossip
Chapter 58 Meet Love At The Corner
Chapter 59 The Manipulator Behind The Scenes
Chapter 60 Visit Lester
Chapter 61 A Good Dog Does Not Block The Way
Chapter 62 A Disorder In Company
Chapter 63 Cultivation Manual Of Pretending
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