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Billionaire's fake wife with benefits.

Billionaire's fake wife with benefits.

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Chapter 1 Prologue...

Word Count: 813    |    Released on: 12/10/2019




Audi R8. He straightened his black coat as his

ously. He'd never thought he'd come here to visit her. But here he w

idst the dancing black clouds. He pressed the button of '9th floor' and stood silently against the mirror behi

ng the same. His emotionless peepers gazed at the door of t

utton. Almost after five minutes, he sensed the lock from withi

ed his eyebrows in amusement

anything serious?" She was Kiara, a deli

she wore close to her chest. She couldn't stand his dark eyes checking her petite

t is not serious." He divert

or a good time. He mused as he looked away in order to concentrate further. It

ing at her doorstep at this hour of night. It was already known by her but still something made t

ckingly blurted out, "We didn't plan on getting married fo

ily. Raven unfolded the papers and showed he

we stay together in my house during the time of the contract and of course, stay like a married couple." Sh

she could hardly focus on reading when his dark scrutiny checked her out in a tranquil c

ter you're done signing them." He sucked in a br

out our morning meeting

in a yes, "I'll b

awkwardly smiled. "Then… I will le

the elevator. The doors unlatched and he stepped inside

his features. The way he spun around, played his fingers on the buttons of the pad before le

hisper while waving at her, a small smi

him was cut short, she slumped back o

he was in college." S

k you!" Her heart warne

orced her lips in a bright grin of contentment as she stated




Chapter 1 Prologue... Chapter 2 Meet kiara. Chapter 3 Meeting, Raven Carter. Chapter 4 Her fear, Girard Carter. Chapter 5 5. Flashes from the past. Chapter 6 6. His betrayal.
Chapter 7 Hurt again!
Chapter 8 8. Let's play some game!
Chapter 9 Innocent, She!
Chapter 10 10. A drizzling night!
Chapter 11 11. Confession.
Chapter 12 12. Ward-38.
Chapter 13 13. His outburst!
Chapter 14 Unexpected truth!
Chapter 15 Disturbed souls!
Chapter 16 16. Is it the end!
Chapter 17 17. Tired and defeated.
Chapter 18 18. I want to go!!!
Chapter 19 19. Revelation.
Chapter 20 20. His daughter, Kiara.
Chapter 21 21. As much as he needs me, I need him.
Chapter 22 22. His strength!
Chapter 23 23. Billy's back home.
Chapter 24 24. His Mother.
Chapter 25 25. Scared.
Chapter 26 26. Just Mine.
Chapter 27 27. I want you to love me!
Chapter 28 28. Blissfully amazing.
Chapter 29 29. Will it be like this!
Chapter 30 30. What's wrong!
Chapter 31 31. Where is Kiara!
Chapter 32 32. Kidnapped
Chapter 33 33. I'll win you back!
Chapter 34 34. Destroyed!
Chapter 35 35. Alone.
Chapter 36 36. Did I take too harsh decision in the name of revenge!
Chapter 37 37. New feelings!
Chapter 38 38. Too good to be real!
Chapter 39 39. Date!
Chapter 40 40. Confused mind!
Chapter 41 41. His agonies.
Chapter 42 42. Worried for him.
Chapter 43 Shocked!
Chapter 44 44. Are you— baffled on seeing me
Chapter 45 45. Tears of regret!
Chapter 46 46. No you weren't wrong!
Chapter 47 47. Paranoia!
Chapter 48 48. I hope you are fine, Raven
Chapter 49 49. She killed his human
Chapter 50 50. I know what you want to talk about!
Chapter 51 51. The party
Chapter 52 52. I need him
Chapter 53 53. So this was Girard's secret
Chapter 54 54. Back to mommy Kiara
Chapter 55 55. You don't see my pain
Chapter 56 56. How can I not believe like nothing happened
Chapter 57 57. When I talk to you— look at me
Chapter 58 58. He's turned you into a sex addict
Chapter 59 59. Their love won
Chapter 60 60. Unexpected crash
Chapter 61 61. Unveiling secrets and a broken Warrior
Chapter 62 62. New beginning
Chapter 63 Baby boy's birthday
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