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Chapter 4 Four

Word Count: 1200    |    Released on: 19/04/2019

to continue after his visit to Doctor M

iet, He couldn't help but wonder what

placed with a frown when he remembered there was bad news also which will probably overshadow the good news. He decided t

e hospital. It was a private hospital, a f

yes of some of the nurses. He chuckled and focused on where he was going. He was used to people drooling over him. B

fice was so he went there str

a faint voice say an

greeted as he

shake after which they both took their seats. Mye

oming sweaty despite the fact that the air conditi

ctor Myers said as he removed his g

ed?" Eric asked wi

ghed. "A

is it?" H

ill start with the good one which is about the te

as Eric tried to process the unbe

?" His voice came

ng to come. He had lost all hope but God came through for him. This means he would be able to hav

med it but we couldn't confirm wi

ly turning into a frown."Does that mean you're not sure

proves it then it's final. It's just that there was

e said. A small frown c

his morning and one of my nurses brought me the wrong sp

as Doctor Myers gave Eric some tim

c finally said when

g and unprofessional to make such a mistake

rough his hair. "What happens

have an idea and it's up to

ncouraging hi

o me. She's like my daughter. I chose to talk to you first instead of Annie because I don't want to impose any stress on her. For protocol's sake, you will have to give us another semen sample so we

trying his hardest to remain calm. Dr Myers had been a family Doctor to the Ivan-James for years now. Suing him or the hospital just wouldn't make an

asn't his place to tell Eric. If they were destined for each other, things will surely fall in place. "You have every right to be mad at me. This is not something I


finished the Ice cream. The last time I checked,

company. They just finished eating their Chinese food and

nnie's house when Annie called and asked her to buy Icecream so she had to go back to get it. T

ss? I hope you guys did not fig

alled this morning. I apologized to

hat mean y

. We're just friends. Scratch tha

ream. "I wonder why you two are delaying when it'

crush on him which I'm sure will disapp

t believing what

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