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Chapter 3 Three

Word Count: 1348    |    Released on: 19/04/2019

up with her appointment which was set for 9:15

fter which she had breakfast. She hardly had any appetite because of how nervo

ould, cleaned the dishes after which she wen


ake your medications. It's normal if it doesn't work at first, you can always try again."


lain how she felt. Her heart was beating twice faster all th

the outcome?, If I'm pregnant

eeks. I'll give you two

s. She did that very quickly after which she left for Doctor Myers office. He gave her a flyer which contained th

veway of her beauty parlour, a call c

Ella asked over the ph

e about two weeks to know if

fine, " El

sighed. "I'm so nervous. I pray it's successful

ll be so lucky to have you. No doub

You always know what

ing an amazing mom, I have no doubt about that. You're amazing with Cla


er this evening, mam

the sudden nickn

paring anything. I'll bring some Chinese food along. You

tonight. How's your

d see my office this morning. You

ucky he bough

uld have been enough. He d

m, will you?" Ann chu

away from him but I don't think i

k you're being too hard on hi

"I will thin

to get to work. My c

ee you later." El

eady there. She replied to the greetings of her Staff and also greeted some of her customers. Some were there to do their nails, some came for spa treatment and the others we


Nurse Silvia panicked as she ste

it?" He

rong semen for the insemination." The middle-aged nurse was

rm was labelled before and after they were tested and tr

n?" He asked, irritated. No

th the tag."Nurse Silv

did I use for the

ongs to the Billionai

reading glasses, tossed it on the table, then massaged his forehead with

uly his sperm he used for Annie, there was a very h

xpect me to tell both patients? Do you even have an idea of the type

onest mistake. There's something else

about the whole situation. He wondered what

emen. The blood and the urine test showed that his sperm count has increased. Just for us to do the final confir

Nurse Silvia obeyed and was back in no time.

rough it. Indeed Nurse Silvia was saying the truth. Eric's condi

for your mistakes. I would start praying if I were yo

. Annie and Eric were like his children. He couldn't betray either of

go by the truth even though he would be going against his pro

and dialled Eric who pick

were expecting

that. Good after

on, Son. Hope

result. But if there's no improvement I thin

bad news, Eric."

not being cured. He had no idea what the good news w

me at the hospital

m on my way,

expecting you."

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