img Accidental Roommate  /  Chapter 4 4 | 7.84%
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Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 2024    |    Released on: 11/09/2018

till not used to his disguise. It consisted of a pillow stuffed under his shirt, which she had insisted on, and a black wig, both for the head and face, that he happen

concerting to shop with someone. Ever since she had taken over the cooking when she had turned sixteen, the household shopping had always been her responsibility. With her new lic

stopping from bumping into the sauce section with his "stomach". He glared down at it, not noticing the stares he was attracting. Not wanting mor

e cart, leveling a glower at him. Even with the beard covering him, she could still see his surprise in his eyes

efore flitting away to another shopper. Then his eyes connected with her. "I didn't realise I have become used to the attention. They have bee

, career-changing for the press to be after him. There were hundreds of misbehaving football players all over the USA. Covering Cameron must not be that lucr

ow?"he asked

they report Ames. And I don't like sports in general" Checking th

I've never ea

so healthy for a football player." She had to hide a smile

y as he dropped a rotisserie chicken into the cart. She shot him a quick look and di

t offended him. She feared that she had when he was silent for so long but she continued with her shopping. She had only the

it back to my pre-injury state, "he said softly and she could hear the grief and anger in his voice. She might no

e you're wor

it is not going to change the fact that I am

nto another aisle, she gently tugged him along.

few weeks only to be put to pasture in a few years. My team is not going to

want to? You must want to go

xt few years to garner any more injur

ore years. You're just being stubborn." Deciding this was enough w

are you heading to the register without my frozen stuf

eef can't be left out too long And we


had received the call as they had been on the way back from Walmart. The ride had been filled with her trying to convince him about trying out the physical therapist but she had turned her attention

Scott's accounting team and the condition was for Sharon would have to at

mily company and it had been three years since he had taken over from his father. With a growing reputation as one of the fairest employers, where employee growth and progressio

past half an hour, he could fairly say that she had not been successful. He had to smile when she flopped down onto the sofa as she angrily listened to Amelia. She looked so cute

nt for tall, cool and slick. Definitely not short and cute. She didn't even try. As evidenced by their trip, she had put on a comfortable top, jeans and b

er, her cheeks flushed and her lips full, like it had been stung by bees, Her hair was falling off the bun she had put

e asked bad-temperedly. "Didn't I tell you

another mouthful of her ice cream before she got up and stored it away. Then she began storing the grocerie

ing about him being in the way. He had to let out a cough in a bid to hide his laughter. This was a very different woman who he had first met early this

pped into his mind. Examining it for a moment, he

te taxing. Do you

is tone must have caught her attention because she paused in her task and looked at him. The tight look left her face as she lea

eyes beseeching him. He had to break the eye contact. For some reason, her eyes evoked strong feelings in him,

wo mutually hated tasks, I'd lik

roaned. A smile tugged at his li

sidering it. That had been what she had pushing for the entire ride back before she got the call from Amelia. She had stopped short of calling him a w

f there is ever one, right? And you will actually have to set

r eyes narrowed on him


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