img Accidental Roommate  /  Chapter 3 3 | 5.88%
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Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 1890    |    Released on: 11/09/2018

she had expected. After receiving confirmation from Scott about Cameron's identity- and laughing internally at his reaction - she had spent a couple of hours t

ooded silvery gray eyes were warm and light, helping her overcome her embarrassment and slight hysteria when she had felt something against her thigh. She had been extremel

to worry about her accommodations as she would return home after class. So she wasn't sure what to do or whether she should do anything. She was not worried about him being attracted to her despite his hardon. She was sure that had been a fluke and with his good

phone wo

a's voice. Awake now, she sat up, trying to make sense about what her sister was saying

ying to say?"she finally said, cutting into the one-s

Amelia said after she had l

g about?"Sharon asked as she l

hly. Sharon was shocked. It was not often that her sister admitted her fault and it was e

? Not that there are not a long list of things you should say sorry for but nothing

ut you." Sharon felt her eyes softening. She knew what a workaholic her sister was and Amelia worked hard as a model. She didn't wait for her agent to find projects for her. She would use her ex

aid, remorse stirring in her. Ever since they were young, Sharon had been the agreeable sister/daughter. She was the one who went with the flow and if something happened that she didn't like, she would let it roll her back and just changed her pla

've never shouted at me befo


The way she practically spat out the words made Sharon's lips tug up. Amelia didn't have much practice in admitting she was wrong. She made it a practice to not

ou can talk to Scott about naming a figure for rent.

have a job. How are yo

e congratulating herself. She had truly thought on her feet. For someone who was usu


ou are feeling so bad about shouting at

. I don't

undred dollars on the black card before I will agree to even talk to Scott. Buy all the kitchen stuff that you need. And some clothe

. Ame

ng downwards. She knew she had been outmaneuvered by an expert. She shouldn't have b


boots on her feet. But she was looking decidedly gloomy. Skirting around her, he grabbed a glass and opened the fridge door. He spared her one more glance before he looked into the fridge and stifled a groan when he saw that it was empty. He'd forgotten that

he examined the card further and noticed that it was one of the most prestigious credit cards, commonly known as the black card, with her name on it.

ing a seat opposite her. She spared him a g

e together and I will always be under the care of my sister. That I will n

loominess than I need

something about it. Make her laugh or at least smile. Anything to get her out of her funk. But he feared that he would

"he ventured and she directed a glare at him, her shoulders pra

e's forcing me to use this bloody card and spend a hundred

sitantly. She folded her arms on the t

money since I began working. And it's galling to use Amelia's money." He barely stopped himself from correcting her perception. He was pretty sur

se the card?"he asked, sti

undred dollars on this card. And I have to send her some proof. Maybe a picture. Which is so ridiculous

n before you even say anything?"he pointed out


nhappiness. He felt a sense of satisfaction when sh

dise that, "she said earnestly but she was unable to hide her disappointment. So even though she brought up a valid

a disguise. No one

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