img Contract Marriage (GirlxGirl)  /  Chapter 3 Announcement | 9.38%
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Chapter 3 Announcement

Word Count: 3070    |    Released on: 26/06/2018


boyfriend when he's ignoring me. This blow! I mean, what ty

t acceptable for a man. Screw her and your new life." I sighed. This is childish! "Chris, your l

ng on my nerve! "You know what, screw you and your ego! Go fuck yourself." I had enough and leave him a

ke that old hag! Ughhhhh her negati

est friend and roommate. "Oh I am." She's the only pers

with Chris the whole week. Why came back fighti

s following us. It was such a bad trip but Santorini was amazing!" W

her as their eyes never left me

ked Mary but she beat me when she leaned in. "Seems like your t

at the famous model Avalynn and her sister Veronica

slave!" Added another boy. I think she would like

to Santorini. I smell something fishy going on." Said one the girls

I thank her with my eyes and suddenly I heard my phone rin

said throug

. Why didn't you?" Ugh. I re

o uni! It's bad enough my classmates asking me about S

later on. Make good choices." I didn't have the chance to protest when s

rtation! I could just call for Kelly or hitch

Avalynn." I laughed it off. "What's wrong? She's the one who called isn't i

than the one we usually use. It will bring more questions and gawkers." The class was

oing this to me! The butler bow his head discreetly at me. "Yes Miss Bonavic

England. Mr Jackson Smith." Theres no doubt that he is A

may sit at any free seat Mr Smith." The lecturer informed. I sat

guys started to talk to him. "Settle down boys and girls. I see your join

okay." I

your gone. I'll make sure to email you the materials

the feeling that this butler has be

here?" I asked while

your doing, I want you to stay shut about the Grimaldi and even your purpose coming

he's doing it right now! I glared at him. "I have to tell you this. I am not th

situation I'm in. Why does she have to be this way?! I thought we agreed on not inter

g at the dorm building." My eyes widen. The



w them from Grimaldi manor as well! Seriouy she sent a group of maids?!

d. Currently I am at the cafeteria, trying to find something dec

hile we're here. Lady Avalynn asked us to prepared

g at Mary. "Really? Don't mind if I do. I'm wondering

ed the container, Mary gasped. "This is what you eat every single day?! Jesus Christ." I s

t's perfect for my taste bud. Not just perfect it's amazingly d

r here, you promised! All of you did. Please, don't see

ry someone as hot as Avalynn. Lucky bitch." Mary said with her mouth full. "There

valynn exclusively ordered them from Turkey. It's the finest blend she could find." I sud

e, new car, these servants she asked to transferred for you, is this the person

up to the person

a seat beside me and I offered to feed him. "I never knew y

ts for the house of G

old on, new job? Where?" I asked. "The SaraBucks." Oh the coffee shop? "As a barista

r being rude to

ude to the customer

esn't even exist." Chris shrugged. "You need to be more

ego control my behaviour. I just ... I hate that w

that way." This is one of the reason I love

erywhere. We might not be there when you look around for us but she has her own ways to

osing it, no one could stop her from being herself. I hope you consider this as a

es Avalynn really that scary? Nah... they

Mary. I thought I had it under control but when my mind can't shake of

rom our building. I was curious till I saw the real reason for it. I was trying hard to ignore

ad but that person took the

tler. I sighed before facing the butler while taking the keys he's been

o pick you up at the soccer field. You are obligated to joined the Grimaldi fami

am I saying, I shouldn't even be going to that dinner! But if I don't ....

e such pain


he first question Avalynn asked me

beforehand. It was 6:30 when I came back to the dorm."

ome and be here on time." Wait, she went to Vegas? "Come on. We're late alre

when we walked through the long hallways to the main part of the house. Usually

t except for .... his girlish side. He came out to me as bisexual the firs

ng, Avalynn's mother, Aaliyah Grimaldi making her way towards us. "Oh no. Nicole

made themselves known to us. "Dinner is serve." Announced

t she's on her way from Santorini." Replied my mother in law. I was surprised

family. "Milan, Grace, how's school?" I asked my sisters. "Good." They both said in unison. Somehow Gra

embarrass her. Before my father in law could say anything w

ing break down right before we taking off. I'm lucky that it didn't break dow

ed you all here today is to announce something we thought we never announce ag

ing her water actually spit it all out. My parent

on the same as always. Sometime I wonder if all the

Veronica said. Avalynn took a sip of her wine and still did

? Congratulation." She smile bu

ca suddenly said. "Exactly." Avalynn supported

ied now, your mother and I thought that it's time for you to take over the family busine

rld, the malls, and even some stocks and real estate, will be yours to handle. Wel

e that because I'm m

re that the job that require you to travel a lot wouldn't be ideal." No no no... wait! If

nica? Do you want to work with the main office rather than be a mod

ntains of paperwork. I am not Avalynn. I am an adventurous human

g. Don't worry my sister. You'll have your

life, Nicole?" I heard Veronica chuckled but I stepped on her foo

le?" My Mother in law called for me. "Married life has been fun. Avalynn are kind

to speak so greatly

the truth, Nicole." Ugh, I so want so speak ill of her but, w

ink about. Avalynn promise me

My Mother in law hummed her respond. "That's weird. Avalynn alwa

ay?" Now I'm curious. Just how much of a troublemaker was

s perfect.

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