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Chapter 2 A Broken Sword

Word Count: 1248    |    Released on: 27/03/2018

asts of heat covering your whole body even from a few feet away. As warm as they were, they were still safe to touch with bar

d with his bangs in front of his eyes now. An annoying thing that had happened too often of every day. Ko

lling side to hurt him severely, and even possibly kill him instantly. He gripped the rock cutter tight with the thought, despite how slim the chance of it happening was. Slowly, he made the rock cutter collide with the ore vein he faced. The collision made a rumbling vibration and a painful high pitched scratching like nails

nt him occasionally in his dreams. The ones of his Father and Brother, and the countless times they had mocked or beat him. The blue and red glowing eyes bu

His whole body shook violently, tears and blood going down his face. His brother, Izio, was on one

n hard in the gut. Sean gasped, blood spilling out from his mouth. Izio growled in response saying, "You're no Son of a G

ty system. Sean dropped to his knees, his breathing going heavy and onto the verge of wheezing. His whole body shook nearly out

taking a deep breath, holding it as he mentally counted. At four he exhaled the contained air, holdin

he got back up on his feet slowly, his knees

ly sat down to wait for his body to completely recover from his sudden panic attack. It happened more often than what he would like, unfortunately. When he started having these

here chunks of the vein had once been. But something caught his eye after giving the cut-out section a second glance. Something was embedded underneath where the ore once was. Something metallic and seemin

it seemed a large portion of the blade was gone. Curious about what was still intact, Sean grabbed the blade

It was as though the thing was made fresh from a forge just recently. The rest of it was a different story, though. As the hilt and handle were rotted out almost completely. Not much was left of it, either. Only a fe

e aware of. Regardless, it was an interesting find in such an empty place. Kosa would no doubt be interested in fixing it if even possible. It had been

uple weeks at the least. With that, Sean gathered the small amount of ore collected and made his way back to the colony, the broken sword in hand. The di

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