img The God Eater  /  Chapter 1 A Morning in The Cold Desert | 18.18%
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Chapter 1 A Morning in The Cold Desert

Word Count: 945    |    Released on: 27/03/2018

ns went with night, joining them in their daytime slumber. At the same time, the single dwarf star had made its way to take their place, providing the dessert world with its limited heat

now begun, and the day dw

t, this colony would awaken with the rest of the planet, the people it held yawning and stretching along with

osa. Along with everyone else, she woke the moment the dwarf star's li

an woman gently shouted as she got out o

"Still not used to the short nights I see." Kosa thought. And he wasn't. Even after a year on Davian, four hours of sleep instead of eight was still not enough for Human boy's body. Even th

y seconds after. Kosa sat down at the four-person table, giving herself time wake up completely. Four hours wa

. "So you'll haft to deal with just eggs for today." He reached down for the eggs he mentioned, cracking them open and

his rate, " Kosa responded. "The taste of tho

f I scrambled them an

ying to mak

onto a plate and handing it to Kosa. "Wouldn't be a bad idea. Don't think

ed, a snicker along with it. Kosa did as well. Then in harmony, they burst out laughing. After a solid minute

f to the forge with me. You know the drill." Sean nodded, throwing the plate and the pan into the sink behind him. He would wash them later tonight. Kosa got up and headed for the door, b

ation?" Se

just come looking for you if you don't show up. The

ady told you I'm no

keeps looking at her ass wi

off guard, his face turning red.

ugh him like glass. It was something that mildly irritated him, but also something he was glad Kosa was able to do. As it felt like no one could understand or tolerate him. As he felt like

king the rock cutter, he headed out the door as Kosa did. The half of his day now would start. M

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