img The Last Of Us  /  Chapter 5 | 19.23%
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Chapter 5

Word Count: 1818    |    Released on: 05/12/2017

b. Samples include not noticing that Michael“s name changed to Alexander after the first chapter.


a Harris


ing. The Eight vampires fell one after the other as Michael made his way through. Limbs wer

trailed behind him as he moved. Ash from the fallen vampires now litter

l finished. This has to be an interesting story. A well-built vampire with a shredded su

re by beheading him with his teeth a

s Michael stepped out of the smoke back into his human form. His body still littered

g my eyes off Michael, sti

t in his voice. Odd. I have never heard a vampire be

“t the scars have healed when he shifted ba

er to tell. Apologies." Logan

ed my attention back to Michael who h

hat deal? Do I have a job?" He asked with a straight face. Why do hi

." The pack didn“t even cheer. They all stared at him in shock. It“s understandable. Growing up

n what I am assuming is the way to his ne


chael -


attack on Alpha Harris“s pack but at least I could use it to my own advanta

ormous pain in my chest. It quickly spread throughout my whole body causing me

ed. "What“s wrong?

ack. Quickly after, a face came into view while the black receded into a dim white. The face of

hin his eyes and the face is o

te. Tears streamed down her cheeks


rs Later - R


hought to myself as I looked around the

fortunate for me. If one wolf within the relationship is unwilling and/or is being forced into a marri

nto the cells without a second thought and luckily enough for him

and killed, right in front of me. Many of the times it was Hayden that

er forget. Being underfed, I did not think I could fight him off, but I just managed. Some unknown strength flooded me a

rn. He left shortly after. I had to clean up the mess. Although I removed the body by throwi

it is needed, it will resurface. I still have not figured out how this anger is within me

ell door began to open. How did I not notice someone was here? Ho

some time to find you, and I apologize for the delay." His

. Odd, why wasn“t I afraid of this vampire? Why am I do I fee

rs Hayes." He sa

he Hayes name." I replied making m

a few steps towards me. "I require you to acco

I asked as I took a few steps t

o I intend to allow harm to come to you." He replied with a bow of his head. That“s when I no

cess cradle and all my strength left me. I fell into

will be quicker if I take yo

I asked him hopin

We were flitting. I always wondered how it would feel and now I can say for sure

my eyes to find myself surrounded by a dense forest. Logan let

f looking at a massive mansion surrounded by sunlight. How did I miss that? I saw eleven children

s but slowed as they

y placed herself between the rest of the kids and me. Comforting to s

comforting voice. I never knew vampires could

voice came from the back of t

iders you all as close friends too, even if he

ed him as I leaned into his arms

d me. Damn, he sure is tall. Then he turned his gaze towards the kids

the one to speak. "He headed up north. Some rogues were att

st of the werewolf alpha“s in North A

nd in return they serve under him." Logan said as his voice began to sound normal again. An

at kind of wolf is your alpha?" I asked as

pected visitors." Came a familiar

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