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Chapter 4

Word Count: 1633    |    Released on: 05/12/2017

ut the twins names are Gregory and Tristan. The bald man is named Vincent and the leader o

it. It was large and had white plastered walls that gave it a modern-ish feeling. There were only two floors and a large w

ches. He had a more athletic build than that of the other largely built werewolves. I heard an audible gasp as I noticed that he saw the sca

eep voice that gave away that he saw me

back down now. "I have recently claimed a house roughly fifteen kilometers west of here and would appreciate your permissio

e of this house you are speaking of and permission granted. Under th

ing my expression serious.

now what you are capable of or what you specializ

first line of defense from the western side of the territory. Then all you need to do is focus on the Nor

tood fixing the sleeves of his black suit jacket. "I can accept this, however you

tood up and waited for Alpha

middle has already been trampled enough for it to stop growing. Only hardened earth remained. Hundreds of pack wolves h

red his assistance to protect the western border, however, we still need to confirm whether or not he is capable of such a feat. Are there any here you will assist co

man came forward from my right. He was just about my height with a pitch black t-shirt that str

t." He finished as Mathews took his spot in front of me. As the fight was

the air displace to my left. I twisted instantly to my left and brought

I assume is because I was fast enough to actually catch a vampire r

nod of his head. "Vampire“

he still had his torn suit on.

matters. The vampires that are coming are more powerful than what these

f the pack. "I suggest you take your pack inside now before any unnecessa

rt. "They are trained to fight

reak the treeline. "And I implore you that what you and your pack see this

He asked just before the fir

said as his eyes landed on Logan. His eyes quickly darted to me as I began to walk forward. "And

ly was frightening. But what struck me as odd was the fact that I could feel his emotions as if they were my own. As if we we

he surface of the clouds as my eyes began to slowly glow a bright red. Soon the lightning turned a bright

from my very essence and s


a Harris


young enough to be my youngest son and he thinks he is s

e up to the confidence he was displaying. He seemed eager to take

eed until he stopped just to the left of this Michael. But what surprised me more

then why did he refer to Michael as Master. How is this possible? How did a vampire come to serve this puny, young pup that seeme

dreams believed something like Michael could ever exist. It just couldn“t be possible. The sky clo

ing? What is this pounding I am hearing? It sounds as if heavy objects are falling to

self. But it didn“t have fur. It didn“t have hair. It was covered in smoke. Entirely of sm

me glad that all the other pack wolves had already gone

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