img Brother Copas  /  Chapter 10 BY MERE RIVER. | 40.00%
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Chapter 10 BY MERE RIVER.

Word Count: 2429    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

over. Towards evening he had so far recovered that the Nurse saw n

sual, and there Brother Copas forced his friend to si

ggested, "but just sit quiet an

talk. I am quit


We must be getting he


the head of his staff, gazed in an absent-minded

sking questions. She put me a teaser yesterday. She can read pretty well, and I set her to read a c

s grunted hi

ou tel

t it aside to think over." "The Athanasian Creed is not easily edited for children.... If she can read, the likelihood is she can also

room. After a bit, when a minute or so went by and I could hear nothing, a sort of panic took me that some harm had happened to her: till I could stand it no longer, but picked up the lamp and crept in for a book. There she lay sleeping, healthy and sound, and pret

odest fashion-is that what you

t gentle, mos

die-who in he

ato, tho' the

r and every

array were chas

It would be an experiment: I've never tried teaching a girl. And I never had a child of my own, B

e one. Brother Bonaday's brow had contracted, as with a spasm of the ol

er Bonaday after a long pause, "I had it this forenoon. But


h her. But-Oh, good Lord! H

ached with his long stride up the tow-path. "Nurse Bransco


and inclined hi

ke, "I have not wholly forf

plain f

id. "The Master wishes to

unts to a

as pulled o

be questioned on your share in that offensive Petition.

as's eyebro

tyle?... Ah, no; the handwriting must have been

permitted to g

," murmured Brother Copas, putting his wa

ere was too sensible to do: though," added Mr. Colt

ed his snuff-box,

not min

he Chaplain. "I take you to

indeed th

ome educati

m Sir Richard Strahan is praise indeed'-though my poor f

t herd and believe us Clergy of the Church of Englan

s slowly inh

oose; doctrines and uses which the Church of Rome has taught and practised without a break. It says-this ignorant herd-'If these fellows are not heading for Rome, then where the dickens are they heading?' Forgive this blunt way of putting it, but the question is not so

m, are ignorantly supposed to belong to Rome. But 'many' is not 'all'; nor does it include the most radical doctrine of all. Ho

e ignorant herd would have liked better an answer to its question. You deny

Christ, committe

e said, Whose authoritative inte


le that on some point of use or doctrine you may be in error. Just conceivable, hey? At all events, you may be accused of it. To whom, then, do you appeal? To the

on of the Church Catholic as g

ch no Council bothered its head, and on which consequently it has left no decision. Who'

nscience I should, of co

eech, in practice, you never lose an occasion of flouting them and showing them up for fools. Take this Education Squabble for an example. The successor to the Chair of Augustine, good man-he's, after all, your Metropolitan-runs around doing his best to discover a way out, to patch up a 'concordat,' as they call it? What's the effect, upon any Diocesan Confe

olt g

s right in his own eyes. At any rate, let us say, remembering the parable of the room swept and garnished, it intended no such result. Let us agree, Mr. Chaplain, to economise in Popes, and to condemn that business of Avignon. So the ignorant her

's turn to pull

t six-thirty sharp. For the rest, sir, you cannot think that thoughtful Churchmen have no answer to these questions, if put by an

suits an argument to the adversary. The Master? Could I present anything so crude to one who, though lazy, is yet a scholar?-who has certainly fought this thing through, after his lights, and wou

much time for one," sai

t him, drew out his wa

, defending my friends; and this is

wards St. Hospital. They had gone but a dozen yards when a chil

e! It's past six o'clock, and Brann

im for some years, and his old brain did not grasp it for a moment. His eyes se

u'll have to get used to it again, and good luck to

e to go

o come bu

e with her fellow

d a twinkle

!" Corona protested vehemently

tle one! And you really don't

ugh I want to tell you something-what they call confessing." She hesitated for a moment. "Haven't you

a start, and eyed h

said afte

ing up a person on the 'phone when he's close at your elbow all the time. Then I say 'God bless St. Hospital,' and there I'm stuck; it don't seem I want to worry God to oblige beyond that. So I fetch back and start telling

nest as that and peg away. You'll find your

e, I don't want to go to hell either. It would neve

at I might start teaching you Latin. Your

like me to

has meant for hundreds of years.... Bless me, is that the quarter chiming? Ta

oes tha

other Copas. "It's a-

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