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Melting Hearts- Hate to Love You

Melting Hearts- Hate to Love You

Author: Jane Rose D
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Chapter 1 The New Kid

Word Count: 1803    |    Released on: 17/05/2024


t in before pushing open the window. The cool morning breeze caressed her face

stared at the sky as her heart felt heavy

d went on with her daily routine befor

bag while walking at a fast pace wh

g face with piercing blue eyes,

t are you d

us opened his car door for her and she though


driver's seat and


ick glance at her as she g

ly in his gruff

ce. You can't be

an amused smile while twirling a few strands

me out,” C


ere for over two years, the sight of it still made her smile. The wooden signboard gave it a

s about to open the car door when her phone rang and L


Shaila. Are you

ere after lunch. Why?

aila, we hav


me to pick him up but no one came. There is a bag with him too but we'll talk about that later. Right now he

worry,” Sheena spoke up before

the c

you worry,” She ended the call and

o to the orphanag

t slack off from your responsibil

't worry.

e. I have to

. Sheena greeted everyone at the cafe and asked her as

ar door after five


eporting for duty,” Cyrus said in

use this fake identity?” Cyrus

her shoulde

Rosario is f

nce my secretary and financial advisor. Now because of this fake identity, you can't

er head and

ames appoint a couple of

ty or they'd be in danger. What if Rosario ever doubts me and uses

before speaking again as Sheena wa

eath anniversar

s Cyrus and gave a sad smi



t a forced ch

thinking or talking about your br

other who is more like a father to me? I

le Blooms Orphanage came into view. Sheena b

ate, a little kid's cries fell on her ears. The old watchman gre

this little guy is,” she m

holding a small child who was sobbing incessantly. T

e cooed and Magg

her heart skipped a beat. She walked

him in her arms as he clutched the heart-s

blinked back her tears as her heart was filled with longing

n just 5 minutes after she took h

w much a child is crying, they always calm down as soon as they

one ringing while a middle-aged brunette

heena before picki

e boy and Maggie was busy with th

a raised eyebrow as she

illion dollar company will be donating a huge sum of money to our orphanag

thanking the donor while Maggie,


navy blue suit and looked up at the skyscraper with

ganise him and his finances, Eric to manage his projects and Remmy to keep him safe, he wouldn't ha

ompany at the age of 29, which he wasn't willing to do but

them inside the hotel. They were guided by the hotel man

n Bowman, their new client, stood up al

s.” He stretched out

yone greeted each other b

h the Adams and Son's Med Tech was going to assemble in their

and put forth theirs. The meeting went s

w instrument. It will prove to be a breakthrough in the medica

ou,” Christian smiled and they had their

f our office. I love good food and it's a cherry on the cake if it's in th

s a dear friend of mine. So obviously I'll choose this pl

know him personally ?” he said in a

thly and Christian went to his

arched orphanages in London for yearly donations and one orphanage stood out in them wh

't look at the others because his mind kept wandering to

e from the side table

id after she re

she asked in a cheerful tone and

tle Blooms Orphanage

did just before we

a frustrating sigh as Amelia's subtle

nd that was the only reaso

?” he asked himself and opened the laptop once again to

rphanage which he ignored and was about to cl


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