img The President's 50 Million Girl  /  Chapter 1 What is This Place | 33.33%
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The President's 50 Million Girl

The President's 50 Million Girl

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Chapter 1 What is This Place

Word Count: 1142    |    Released on: 08/05/2024

ced at her. All kinds of men and women were in the room like a party room, colou

les showed off their affection. Whether it's a young woman with an older man or

is split at the back, then at the bottom, only fabric hangs over the buttocks and extends pa

curls hanging downplayed with the beat of his footsteps. "Mom, what place is t

though Fatma usually only wears simple clothes on her body, now, the forty-seven-year-old woman has become a rich person. "Mommy will take you to an

k at Fatma as she walked rather than stare at the conten

her aura and elegance. However, Amira always looked down until she stopped

retched out one hand in front of the girl's stomach. "This is the place." This wom

looked at her mother, then turned her gaze to

slowly until it created a gap as wide as Amira's body

ually uses a lot of expressions in one day, sometimes she gets annoyed seeing Amira, expresses ang

at Fatma, "What or w

with a slight glance and

are luxurious curtains, then a long sofa, which is also luxurious, and then a large mirror that reflects

Immediately, his heart pounded. Then immediately said, "Mom, Ami doesn't wa

there was a slight reprimand and insistence, "Listen, mommy. Mommy has come a long way to bring yo

me along?" Fatma's right hand was taken, but Fatma

nd attitudes like this are common for Amira. So, the girl didn't dare to say anything other than look at wanting

s Fatma. "When will mom pick Ami up?" He

paration between her and her mother was like the world was splitting a

s separated from Fatma - the woman who raised her since she was eight. The tall and

Amira's first experience of being surrounded by luxury ob

d wait here? When will Mom pick me up?" The look on her face only showed feelings of anxiety, even her

not move from when she first entered. In front was a balcony, the do

figure of a man wearing a black suit standing with his back to him. Of course, this girl was shocked until her feet took one step back, and then h

was locked outside. "Gosh, why is this!" His hands continued to turn the door handle even though it didn't happen anything

beautiful to Amira's ears but also sounded cold,


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