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The Obsession To Ex-Convict

The Obsession To Ex-Convict

Author: Jeep
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Chapter 1 the jail guard

Word Count: 1814    |    Released on: 06/05/2024


tor!" the jail guard yel

ded to where the visitations Area was. I still loo

ught he could visit next week because he is bus

visit this week?" I aske

because I miss

aybe they are hurting you?" he asked one after

e I've been here for a long time," I

because the last news I had from them wa

them with their financial status. I miss them too because th

ot neglecting them. I visit them from t

lled me so I

Sebastian but he didn't even

s anger towards you and m

is your only hope to get out of

," I answered and looked away because the

ing me. How can I help you with th

alk to you. He won't listen to you and he won't let

you even before the tragedy happ

this is my destiny. I'm doing

that he would do this to you," he said in confusion, making me l

se that's the information I got. He's studying

he visit Jess

ng for us to be

too much because I'm bothering you. You also need t

out I will introduce you," he happily answ

get out, you know tha

and forth to your ex's house until I can

t listen. He doesn't accept explanations es

appy and move-on. Don't worry about me anymore," I told him because I kne

the Warden shouted so I s

l them I'm okay but here I am

hing," I said to him

ere for you!" he also answer

ause he never abandoned me since then. But he deserves to focus on where he will have fun

nothing to do here in prison but lie down and eat.

like the amount of time here inside is not the same as outside that it just moves faster. It's a diffe

pecially that they can't achieve the freedom they want because t

accused. According to those I have talked to and interacted with here, they ar

weak, poor. Even if you defend yourself to them but still nothing because they think you are a criminal even though you didn't do

led me, I just finished taki

speak p

," he answered a

it?" I a

s, just talk!" he answered a

man beings too, we need respect too, aren't we imprisoned? They think li

o me so I immediately rea

?" my

only heard a sigh. So I looked at the Warden who was also l

t maybe mom just doesn't want

papa so much. I'm sorry for what happened in my life," I said and the tears started to f

said before t

ut of here too

ild here and grumpy because no one is forgiven. It's the sam

erson who put me in jail is so an

ses that so he always wins the case and is handsome," he said excitedly

I said with a smile and left les

raggle's, even if you are in your cell, don't trust because later you will be on your side but la

also get sun, there's community service inside that's the only route of my life. I don't think about when I can get out of here

ooked at her, Hana was the only one who talked and made frie

ts," I li

e asked me with a smile and poked my side

t me in prison but Lifetime prison," I l

he said goodbye to me so I f

appily but I was sad because

's hard here,"

e, Hana. Whatever your fault is, don't r

ss you,"

I answer

I'll help you," I

to fix things yet," he said to me and s

positive and pray, the one who sent you to ja

are happy,"

ever forgive me?" I

re lucky because forgiveness is easy but to for

it. Nothing will happen yet," I frowned at


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